STOP PRESS: Barn finds for sale, license built Messerschmitt Me-109G

Platinum Fighter Sales: Historic, Vintage & Warbird Aircraft

That’s absolutely amazing. I’m a big fan of the Battle of Britain movie and immediately recognized the paint schemes from that movie. I wonder why they sat on them for so long.

So cool.

Warbirds weren’t worth shit in '68. What market there was was glutted–this was when all the P-51s and such were being retired by Central and South America air forces, so why buy a bastard ME-109 when you could get a proper Mustang for, IIRC, $15k? And it was Texas.

Which brings up the question: When was the last piston powered air battle?

“Messtherschmitts! A whole mess of Messtherschmitts!”

The Football War between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969. Which had Mustang vs Corsair and Corsair vs Corsair fighting.

Bit more detail on the air to air stuff here.

Do want.

(Of course my favourite plane is the Spitfire. But given a choice, I’d probably opt for a Hurricane.)

God bless barns.

I learned to fly at Barnes. :smiley:


Those fokkers were Messerschmitts!

Dammit! First they dig up an Ass-load of Spitfires, flooding the market and reducing my 3 to near worthless, then they go find these things in Texas, again, making mine less rare and valuable.

Whats next? Are they gonna go find a few thousand copies of “ET” in a landfill? That was my retirement, Dammit!

A lot cooler than an old Coke sign found on American Pickers, that’s for sure.

There was an old Porsche magazine ad - it was an old Bathtub 356 in a barn, covered in dust and had a brief story about every Porsche nut’s fantasy of finding one.

There’s also an book about finding old guitars called “The Strat in the Attic”

Wordman, if you’d gone into geology I don’t think there’s any doubt that you’d have been a Stratigrapher.

I’ve been blessed to have visited barns out on remote ranches loaded with exquisite antique and muscle cars, but never one boasting any badass planes. Clearly, I haven’t lived yet.

Totally true, but what about 88 or 98 or 08? They must’ve simply been forgotten, because warbirds have been demanding big bucks for most of the years that these were stashed away.

“I don’t know what they were flying, but those fokkers were all over me.”

I don’t recall where I first saw that joke, but it probably started, “There I was at 10,000 feet.”

If “Stratigrapher” involves scouting for cool stuff in and amongst the layers, I’m in!

Continuing this hijack - because these planes are so cool that clearly this thread will stay on track :wink: - I assume you have read the book The Map that Changed the World by Simon Winchester? It’s about the guy who developed the first stratigraphic map.

Good stuff. Carry on!