Stop the Party -- the Cow Has Come Home

Spoiled Cow Breaks Into Her Home Just To Wait For Her Family

The photos are adorable, but it still doesn’t make me want to run out and get a Housecow. Even if I could train her to use a litter box, I’d hate to scoop it.

you don’t eat a cow like that all at once…

That pic of her on her back getting a belly rub is hilarious.

They are going to need to widen the doors if that cow is going to continue to visit when she gets to be full size.

Next thing you know, there will be a lapcalf who grows into a full size cow still thinking it’s a lapcalf.

Hee. I love the one of her head in the window. It reminds me of Cookie Monster waiting for his cookies to bake.

Just in case, here ya go.