I know this has been done before, but still…
There’s a guy at work who will Just. Not. Shut The Fuck UP ABOUT HOW I SHOULD BUY A HOUSE! Not a couple of years down the line, when I’ve built up my savings and feel more settled in my job. BUT RIGHT NOW!!! Because if I wait, I’LL MISS OUT ON THE LOW INTERESTS RATES!!! I’d be STUPID TO WAIT!!!
Really. I know that he thinks he knows what’s best for me and that he’s not purposefully trying to come off as a jerk. But I didn’t just roll off the turnip truck, although I’d be the first to admit I don’t know much about the housing market and real estate and mortages and all that. I do know how much money I have in my bank account. I know how much I feel comfortable spending. And I know that making a decision to buy just because everyone is saying THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME RIGHT NOW!! is not wise. Because that kind of mentality is exactly what got us into the economic mess we’re in right now.
I may buy a house a few years from now, once I feel more secure with my life. A little “starter” home that I will live in forever, with a quaint front porch and a pretty little red bud tree growing out front, and a little yard so I can put out some decorative planters and my kitty cats can play safely. Or…I may decide to keep renting and invest my money. My point: I don’t NEED a house. Just like I don’t NEED a car, although having one is nice when it’s raining and I don’t feel like walking down the street to the grocery store. No one NEEDS anything except to eat and sleep. When I’m 90 and dying of dementia years from now, I’m pretty sure my last lucid thought will not be, “Sure wish I had bought me a house!”
Honestly, people don’t understand the concept of “different strokes for different folks”. This guy has bought 9 houses, renovated them and flipped them for a good amount of money. All that is impressive, but THAT IS NOT ME. I just want a place to live, that’s all. I don’t want to own anything. I’m not a pure ascetic–I have some toys and I spend money on things I don’t need. But I don’t want to be a homeowner, at least right now. I might be missing some kind of magical, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but I do not care. All I care about is having enough money saved so that if I lose my job in the coming year, I won’t have a nervous breakdown.
Today, as he was doing a repeat performance of his unsolicited sales pitch on the Benefits of Home Ownership (in my office! Why do I always have crazy people coming into MY office!?), he intimated that I needed to move into the “adult” world and stop thinking like a broke college kid. I am not thinking like a broke college kid, thankyouverymuch. I’m thinking like someone who wants to do whatever she wants to do, with no external pressure forcing her hand.
He can call me a “kid” all he wants. I’m fine with being a “kid”. Kids don’t have to gobble down Lepitor or take high-blood pressure medication, like this guy does. Nor do they always grumble around, stressed out about one thing after another. Yes, I might be an aimless drifter in life, but the stress in my life is either short-lived stuff or things that are beyond my control, so they’re not worth worrying about anyway. So make fun all you want. My life is easy. Yours is hard and doesn’t seem like much fun, Mr. Homeowner Who Won’t Shut Up.