Storing/protecting action figures

I’ve been going through all of my old Star Wars toys lately, putting them together with their weapons etc. So far I’ve only been putting them into plastic sandwich bags. Now I’ve seen things that might not be too bad, small plastic boxes.

My real question is I normally store these things in the attic, they’ve been there for years with no harm done, if I put the figures in these boxes will they be hurt in the attic? I don’t want the plastic to melt or anything like that. Or is there another way to store these things with out destroying them?

The same question would go for the carded figures as I do have some of those as well.

I’ve heard many collectors swear by Tupperware bowls/baskets/boxes.

I’ve got my stuff in cardboard boxes in a closet at the moment, alas. :frowning:

I dunno. If the boxes are polystyrene, which is the most common transparent hard plastic, there might be interactions between the action figure (if it’s made of vinyl) and the box. It’s fairly common on old model car kits to discover that the tires have been lying against the tree of clear parts and melted a hole in the windshield; apparently the plasticizers in the vinyl dissolve the polystyrene.

If I had to store an action figure that was priceless, I’d put it in a Mylar bag inside a cardboard box in a relatively cool place.

I think these boxes are not supposed to ruin things, though they’ve only been making them for a few years so I guess no one knows for sure. I would have thought that at least someone on the boards collected figures but I guess not. Thanks anyway.