Straight Dopers rate the world's worst foods

The worst things I ever ate were:
Carrot cookies
Clam meat served in a clam shell
Corn dog
Burrito with gray meat (BARFOLA!!!)
How about it?

corn dogs… mmmmm…

Baskin-Robbins had a pumpkin pie flavor ice cream at one time. (I don’t know if they still have it.) It was remarkably awful.

My mother-in-laws cooking.

She really messes up even convience food(fish sticks, boxed macaroni and cheese), but the worst thing she ever made was enchiladas. I don’t know what she used for the filling but it looked suspiciously like dogfood, yet oddly flavor-free.

Wheat Grass Juice

Magnificent to behold - Greatly to be praised.

Tofu hotdogs!

We’re all here, because we’re not all there!

metro-yes!Tofu hotdogs! Tried one once. I took it to a barbeque. Everyone acted like it was radioactive.Any fake meat. Circus Peanuts! scrambled eggs! radishes! beer!

Watches as Sam and Max beat up dougie monty for the corn dog comment

Liver of any kind especially Raw Liver. I have only seen one person eat that and I nearly puked just from watching them eat

Rocky Mountain Oysters A double yuk on my meter

Steak Tartar Whoever thought this one up is beyond me

Poi I will quote Dennis Leary in his belief “its bull semen…I have tasted it and and if I knew what bull semen tasted like, that would be it.” Fitting words…horrible

Caviar I am sorry but it just tastes so bad. How can anyone pay that much for it? Truffles are one thing but not caviar

Creamed Tuna on Toast!!! Ack!!! It even looks like someone puked on it.

“Only when he no longer knows what he is doing, does the painter do good
things.” --Edgar Degas

I used to work at Baskin Robbins. They were constantly developing new flaovers. Some were better than others (I didn’t think Pumpkin Pie was too bad). The worst, IMO was “Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich”). Penut butter?–okay; Jelly ribbon? um, not real appetizing. Ice cream that tastes like soggy bread? Barforama. It was dumpster fodder.

My mom went through a tofu and bean sprout phase when I was a kid. When faced with tofu, I would deep fat fry it. Kind of defeats the purpose, but it helps it go down.

And no matter what anyone says, carob is not a viable substitute for chocolate (And I’m not even a chocoholic).!

Come on, guys…the corn dog I ate was at a place in Culver City, CA, called Hamburger Handout, near L. A. Airport, in 1959. (The place was famous in the 50s for its 19-cent hamburgers.) They were perhaps not prepared very well; I’ve never eaten at Hot Dog on a Stick, despite the pretty girls who usually work there. :slight_smile:
Jules Verne invented steak tartare for a novel of his; I think the title was Michel Strogoff.

That traditional Hawaiian “delicacy” called poi (sp?) is pretty disgusting - basically some kind of goo made from fermented/rotting plant matter - at least to this american palate.

Although I do like (some) kim chee - another fermeted veg. Go figure.

And how about those red and white Dolly Madison “Sno Ball” things? Although I hesitate to categorize them as food. More like a form of insulation.

Caramelvla. Never mind, it’s a Dutch caramel flavoured desert that is just plain EVIL.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Limiting myself just to things I’ve actually tried…

Chorizo. Umm… nothing else really even comes close. Chorizo is the ONLY thing I can ever recall trying a bite of and then just throwing away.

Eel. Squid, other than in calamari… I don’t like it that way either, but at least it tastes like food. I’ll probably never try sashimi again, more for health concerns than because of the taste. Clams. Unripe persimmons (think “cotton dipped in alum” and you’re on the right track). Braunschweiger. Pate de fois gras.

My sister once whipped up a delightful creation. Don’t remember what it was called but it involved boiled chicken and orange slices served at room temperature. Yipe!

I generally hate tamale pie, since it usually involves black olives and some soggy cornmeal.

I always wanted to try haggis, since anything that sounds that horrible has to be good. Sheep and calve’s lungs and kidneyes, mixed with lard and oatmeal, boiled for several days in the stomach of sheep? Mmm…

Nothing I write about any person or group should be applied to a larger group.

  • Boris Badenov

I’ve always hated Kim Chee and hazelnut-flavored anything (coffee, cocoa, italian soda, etc).

For days, the taste would linger in my mouth despite all brushing and eating attempts.

No, Boris, the description is dead on. Haggis is vile. (Unless, of course, you’ve already drunk the scotch. Then it’s about tolerable.)

Kim Chee…I should have put that on the list. It’s one of few things I didn’t eat because it was so awful. (Just trying to ingest a bit of it was like chug-a-lugging Tabasco–which I haven’t managed to do either! Check the original Straight Dope book.)

Blood sausage. New Year’s morning, as hung over as I’ll ever be and live. Yes, it tastes like blood. Yes, the Scots eat it.