Strange tongue

I have always had this ability to put my tongue on top of my soft palate and into my nasal cavity. I am not sure what advantage this would give me but it is very helpful for post nasal drip. A very long time ago I read an article that mentioned this ability related to Buddhist monks. Does anyone have any information??


Thankfully, no. And I don’t want any.

Didn’t you used to play in a band, wear a lot of makeup on your face, and go out with Cher?

Helpful for CAUSING it, or helpful when you have it?

Come to think of it, I’m not sure I want to know…

I’ve done it a few times, but never found it too comfortable-- It’s just short of inducing a gag reflex. I never realized that this was either rare or useful.


It sounds like you are talking about the Yoga practice of kechari mudra. Here is some more information; I don’t know enough about Yoga to summarize these:

Re: the OP. That’s nothing! Now, if you can make the tip of your tongue appear through your nose, then I’ll be impressed.

And very popular with 50% of the worlds population

Yeah, the 50% under the age of 12…

HEY I CAN DO THAT TOO! Read under Gen Questions “Is any one this talented”

I accidently did that once when I was a kid, the problem was that I couldn’t get it back down into its normal place, and I had a few moments of sheer panic. I finally had to reach in with my fingers to pull it back down.

Can someone explain this to me? I am afraid I do not understand it. I cannot do anything with my tongue (unless you are Claudia Schiffer in which case I’ll do anything with it).

Since the General Question has been answered here, I’m going to move this topic to MPSIMS for more input from our membership on the unusual things that they can do with their tongues.

Well Manny closed my thread because he said it was a duplicate, but oh well. I guess this is its “sister” thread so I will share my story about my crazy tongue here. I have been able to stick my tongue down my throat (so far I can reach where my tounge begins) and up my nasal cavities. It does not gag me or choke me. Like I said in my thread my tongue is very long and I can even put it up my nostril and it touches under my chin. :slight_smile: In case you are wondering my boyfriend thinks this is absoultely DISGUSTING and it gives him the heebeejeebees. Well that’s my story and I am stickin’ to it.