Strangest thing your pets do or have done?

My youngest cat, Zippy, has a plumbing fetish. If you jiggle the toilet handle, he comes running so that he can see the water flush. If you turn on the sink, he’ll stand on his hind legs to watch it go down the drain. When he was younger (and a lot thinner), he used to jump up on the counter when I was shaving and was absolutely FASCINATED by it. He also loves to have his belly rubbed. He’s not much of a lap kitty, but occaisionally I’ll be upstairs and hear “mrrrraaaawww”, and I’ll look over the railing and he’ll be lying on his back with his legs splayed out waiting for me to rub his belly.

My older cat is extremely proud of himself for being able to open cabinets. He especially likes the one where the food is kept, but he likes opening all of them. Whenever I come home I have to close all the lower level cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms because I swear he runs around the house and opens them all as soon as I leave for work. When both he and my other guy were younger, he’d walk around and open the cabinets for his little brother, so he could go rummage around in them and knock things out of them. It used to tick me off until I actually caught them in the act and it was so damn cute I couldn’t stay mad long.

The same cat, my oldest is absolutely CRAZY about catnip. I once brought home a little kitty toy with a bit of catnip in it, and before it hit the floor, he had ripped it to shreds in order to get the catnip out. I bought them a little scatching pad with a tiny resovoir underneath where you can put a tiny amount of catnip. As soon as I put it down on the floor, he had knocked it over and was trying to get the catnip out. To this day neither of them will scratch anything but the couch, no matter what sort of new trick I try. I’ve tried putting scratching pads/posts on top of, in front of, etc. the couch, and they will somehow knock them aside or remove them and quite happily continue scratching the couch.

You should’ve put a warning in the thread title.My nose has been runny from all this up and down winter weather we’ve been going through and I was laughing so hard I blew snot all over the monitor and keyboard!:smiley:
I know…I know…TMI.:smiley:
But it was still funny.


Your dog may have a dietary deficiency. If he’s not getting enough nutrition from his food, he may eat his own feces to try to get what wasn’t digested the first time around. See this site for further information. You really need to discourage this habit, as it can make him ill, either from his own bacteria, or from parasites infesting the fecal matter which has been laying around.

TeleTron, my kitty Tansy does the same thing with cabinets. Nowadays she also hides in the cabinets when noisy company comes over. It’s hilarious to see her dash around, then into the kitchen and lickety split open a cabinet and slip inside. It’s like a cartoon on fast foward.

When I come home after work, both Violet and Tansy sit up and put their forelegs in the air so I can pick them up for a cuddle. So adorable I forgive them practically anything.

Our last family dog had a pet chicken she’d carry around by the neck. It got to the point where Lady just had to walk toward the chicken and it would hunker down, extending it’s neck for her to grab hold. Lady was very gentle and always ended the session by licking the chicken clean.

Badbaby… your chicken tale reminded me that we had a dog that would fetch the cat. It was pretty funny to see the cat (who was resigned to his part in the show) thump down the steps in the dog’s mouth… then be put on the floor quite gently… then look at you like “happy now *&&$$” and away he’d go.

Oh and in our house my dog will kill herself if you don’t put the laser pointer away eventually. She will follow that thing anywhere and with such enthusiasm!! It’s a great way to exercise her as you stand on the deck and make big circles in the grass after dark. Happy tired dog in 15 minutes a day :slight_smile:

My cat does “kick-turns” off the wall (like a swimmer). She will run up to the wall, take a short hop and push off with her hind legs to change direction. We were chasing each other around the house when suddenly she began doing this, it was a tactic I was not prepared for.

We had a guinea pig that would remove your glasses if you put your nose to hers. She would gently grip them by the bridge and pull them off, then set them down. Not sure why, after taking them off she had no further interest in them.

I was slowly waking up one Saturday morning when I almost leaped out of bed upon hearing:


I wondered what that noise was! Strange noise to be hearing on an early weekend morning. I put it down to one of the cats running into something when:


I jumped up and ran to the front door where Duffy, our tabby/ocicat mix, was standing over the spring doorstop with his claws stuck in the rubber end piece - then he pulled back and let it go:


This happens at least once a week - thank goodness it’s not early in the morning any more.


My Oscar cat will hump my girl cat, Emmy, constantly. He’s been fixed, but he gets horny and jumps her at least once a day. We also just moved into my parents’ house where three cats already live, so this house is full of five cats now. The youngest older cat, Rugby, is about nine now, and my 3-year-old Oscar is fascinated with him. Stalks him all over the house, never touches him, just sits behind him and watches him. He’s never had another cat to roughhouse with (Emmy is a wimp), so I think he’s just waiting for his chance. He also eats his dry food individually - scoops one piece of it up with his paw and eats it daintily right off his paw. Emmy does the same thing with her canned food.

Emmy scared the crap out of me last week while we were packing up my NYC apartment, though. We’d locked both cats in the bathroom in order to move stuff down to the truck, and when my roommate and I went in to talk to them for a minute - no Emmy. There was no way she could have gotten out, so I started panicking. It’s a tiny bathroom and she was nowhere in sight. Finally, out of desperation, I yanked open the bathroom cabinet and I see her sitting there staring out from the cabinet, completely silent. She’d managed to open the door, climb in, and shut the door behind her. She’s really not a very smart cat, but she’d apparently learned to open the bathroom cabinets in the 3 1/2 years we lived in this apartment.


Off to IMHO.

Cajun Man - SDMB Moderator

I had a lilac Siamese called “Puppy-cat” who acted just like a dog. He followed me around everywhere and taught himself to fetch. I would throw empty cigarette packs towards the basket, and one day the cat just picked one up and brought it back to me. It became his favorite game.

He also liked to sit on tables, looking like a cat statue,and then jump unsuspecting people walking by, especially if they were carrying food. That cat licked more stuff off the floor.

First: Thanks Cajun Man, I wasn’t sure on the forum.

Second: a big thanks to all those who have posted so far- your stories are great!


That it so cute :slight_smile: My oldest used to walk up to me and put his front paws on my legs and wait for me to pick him up whenever I got home, now he just assumes that I know that’s what he wants and sits there and meows at me until I pick him up.

When my cat was younger he’d do the same thing. We had a yarn ball thingy that we’d throw from the living room into the kitchen, and he’d go tearing after it. But he never quite got the hang of the necessary stopping distance on the linoleum floor. He’d usually try to stop when he reached the toy, which frequently resulted in him sliding head first into the oven. It never stopped him from bringing the toy back for another go, though.

I thought I had the only water baby. Guess it’s really common.

My big guy Rocky has figured out how much I hate the sound of the mini-blinds being scratched so that’s how he wakes me up in the morning. How did he know??

Right now my cat, Captain Morgan, is chasing her tail around again. She goes around in circles, then eventually she snags it and ends up in a heap on the carpet, licking and biting her tail. Her tail is pretty fuzzy, so I doubt she is actually hurting herself. She also likes to eat noodles, especially spaghetti. :confused:

Before we got her, I used to have a hamster. That hamster used to get out of the cage all the time. Once, I woke up with her in my hand-I grabbed her while I was asleep (nothing like waking up with a ball of unidentified squirming fuzz in your hand-all I could think about was giant tarantulas…), another time I woke up with her on my chest. Finally, once she managed to get out of her cage ( a plastic one with a tunnel leading into a movable exterior wheel she figured out how to pop off of the cage) and move all of the cat’s food into her cage, and get back on top of the cage. She couldn’t get back in though…very funny to wake up to as well.