You know the game I mean, you lay out a grid of dots and then each take it in turns to join two of the dots with a vertical or horisontal line. The one who closes off the box gets to put their initial in it and take another turn. The one who owns most of the grid at the end wins.
Are there any good (usable) strategies for this? I understand mathemticians have looked into it at various times, but that is a little above my head. I just want to win
So, how can I be a champ at boxes, and what was it called when you played it?
Basic strategy: Once the board gets filled with lines and there are no more “safe” moves and you must forfeit a box, make sure your opponent will get as few adjoining boxes as possible during his turn (since he is forced to go again whenever he completes a box). When it gets close to the end you can actually precount how many boxes you’ll forfeit to him if you make a particular move and how may he will forfeit to you.