Stupid Gun news of the day (Part 1)

See, that’s what I mean - he wasn’t “waving his big gun” in anyone’s face or he likely would have been shot (which is why he had the note, I’m sure). Hyperbole, anyone? And just how did the police become involved if someone didn’t call them? So yes, I posit that someone(s) in the store saw a big, scary-looking gun and freaked and called the cops on this huge idiot. I posit that everyone in the United States is currently hyper-aware of big, scary looking guns, which may have contributed to the call in the first place. But I also posit that he woundn’t have DONE it if it weren’t for all the hyperbolic crap that’s been spewed on both sides of this “debate”. Can we at least agree on that?

Bullshit. This would have happened a year ago, or 10 years ago. Or could have. Are you saying that this definitely would not have happened prior to Sandy Hook? That this is a brand new thing, people being afraid of guys walking around in a store carrying a military looking rifle? Can you excuse this guys idiocy any harder by the way? Blaming everyone on both sides of the debate, except for the guy with the big gun in the grocery store?

Oh, and gee a person using hyperbole to illustrate a point on an internet message board - perish the thought.

It is only a matter of time before one of these yahoos get taken down by another gun extremist like those who said the shooter in Aurora CO could have been prevented if everyone in the theater had been packing a gun.

Reading is fundamental - I said he likely would never have done this in the first place were it NOT for the ensuing anti-gun (and more importantly, anti-gun-owner) hysteria. Of course someone might have been scared 1 or 5 or 15 years ago. My point is that it never would have happened in the first place, absent this circus we’re enduring.

Because a man showed up showing off a lethal weapon when he had no rational reason to do so. He wasn’t a cop, he wasn’t a soldier, he wasn’t leaving a gun store, he wasn’t hunting. Fear is the rational response to someone like that. He’s lucky that there weren’t any of his fellow Second Amendment fanatics around who decided to be “heroic” and shoot him.

Quite possibly; gun fetishists get off on scaring people. They’re bullies at heart. Scum.

Fear is not a rational response unless you’ve been trained to be afraid of guns, or more importantly people who carry them. He wasn’t showing off, he was (again, important point) completely and legally carring his rifle on his shoulder - and being a complete moron in the process. We do not know if he was a “fetishist”, bully, or scum, but being an idiot isn’t illegal either.

Then again, having been following your posts on the wider matter at hand, I’d expect no less from you.

Did you watch the video? He didn’t get heckled. He asked a question to the audience, waited in silence (during which nobody spoke up), then prompted the audience a second time, after which a couple people piped up and were then silenced by the moderator.

My mother is in her 70s. She has the guts to brave the grocery store unarmed on a weekly basis.

This guy is just one giant fucking pussy.

So you agree with us that this guy was stupid to do what he did. Which is the point of the OP of the thread, right?

So what do you disagree with exactly? I’ve lost the point that you are making in this thread at this point. Was the Kroger guy being stupid or not? Or do you just think that the whole idea of having a stupid gun news of the day thread is stupid in and of itself? I’m now uncertain of the point of your original sarcasm since we’re all seemingly agreeing that this guy was stupid at this point, correct?

Guns are tools for killing. If you aren’t afraid of some stranger carrying a gun in a place he has no reason to, you’re an idiot.

He was showing off, that was the whole point. And I don’t care in the slightest that it was legal, legal and moral aren’t the same thing. For that matter it isn’t legal any more here in California; that kind of stunt instigated the passage of a law against it.

“complete moron” and “idiot” are not terms I’d like to use to describe a person open carrying a firearm in public. Frankly, being afraid of such a person is far more appropriate a response than being blase about him.

One funny thing about this argument from gun fetishists that people shouldn’t fear to see someone walking around with a gun in public; it undermines their entire fantasy of noble gun-toting Second Amendment fans whipping out their guns to stop criminals and spree shooters, since if they follow their own their advice they’ll be caught by surprise every time.

Here’s my entry for today:

and on the subject of carrying a gun to make a point:
“There’s no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons,” said California Gov. Ronald Reagan in May 1967, after two dozen Black Panther Party members walked into the California Statehouse carrying rifles to protest a gun-control bill. Reagan said guns were “a ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.”

Yes; having guns around is a great way of getting yourself killed by accident.

Ah, Reagan you crazy leftist, you.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong again. Criminals (illegally) CONCEAL their (illegal) guns. Why in the world would anybody bent on robbery or mayhem alert their target ahead of time? Any criminal who openly carried his weapon would be almost as stupid as you are.
Anyhow, that’s probably why this guy carried his rifle into the store to begin with–to show people that somebody carried an evil “assault rifle” into a public place, and nothing bad happened. Perhaps all those idiots who were stupid enough to call the police for no reason at all will realize that this is what is called a “teachable moment.”

Adam Lanza didn’t conceal the guns he used in Newton, CT.

James Holmes didn’t conceal the guns he used in Aurora, CO.

In fact, most mass shootings take place using guns legally obtained (cite) and AFAICT they are seldom concealed, unless you count “in the car until the killing starts” as “concealed”.

You know why people “bent on robbery or mayhem” can openly carry weapons? Because they know that with the gun in their hand, they can pull the trigger before the people who have guns in holsters or stashed in their desks or whatever. And they know that many (if not most) people will run away rather than confront them, since they do in fact have a deadly weapon in their hands, ready to use.

Are you saying that if you saw a guy you didn’t know with an AR-15 in public, you’d just assume something other than “hey maybe this guy aims to hurt a bunch of people”? Why in the world wouldn’t you think that he might intend to hurt people?

Think it through, Flyer. Criminals by and large conceal their guns now, because ordinary people tend to freak out when they see some stranger walking around tooled up to the nines, thinking (rightly or wrongly - but it’s a pretty safe fucking assumption) that that person is bent on something nefarious.

If morons like the guy from the OP were more common however, if people just got used and inured to the sight of people going about their business, assault rifles at the ready at all times because GUN RIGHTS… why on Earth would criminals and mass murderers still even attempt to conceal theirs ? They’d just blend right in. Assault rifles at the ready.
Feel safer yet ?

I’ve got another entry:
Phillip Sailors is the kind of good guy with a gun Wayne LaPierre had in in mind. When Rodrigo Diaz pulled into Mr. Sailors’ driveway, thinking it was a friend’s house, Mr. Sailors’ did what any of us would do: he shot Mr. Diaz in the head as Mr. Diaz was trying to apologize.

This is easy. I feel bad for the gun fetishists, all they have for stupid gun story of the day is: “it’s a magazine, not a clip,” or “some reporter got the caliber wrong on my favorite penis substitute.”

We have the steady drum beat of scared little weirdos with their guns doing scared little weird things with them.

I blame the media. If only they hadn’t reported Mr Diaz’s shooting, Mr Diaz’s shooting wouldn’t have happened.

Or something.

*Kroger Plus Rewards reads the card of a man.
A knight without armor in the breakfast foods aisle.

His fast gun for naught heads the calling of 911.
A soldier of fortune is the man called Jerry from Accounting.

Jerry from Accounting
Where do you roam?
With 17 items
Far, far from Express Checkout.