Stupid Gun news of the day (Part 1)

Yeah, there’s just no getting around that video. Kids, that man is a professional. Please don’t try to
use rifles as sex toys at home.

You might be right about that; I was just trying to emphasize the 300 yards part and that Fort Lee has an extensive number of multi-million dollar high-rise condo buildings, all built in a line to try to showcase/ capitalize on the view of the NY skyline along the Hudson from the NJ side.
Anyway, I’ve never liked AR/AKs. I won’t waste breath defending them.

I’m not happy about once again a gun is used to … whatever*… at a school but I’m hoping someone can parse this quote for me from Foxnews:

"Arlington Police Department Assistant Chief Kevin Kolbye said weapons were found during a search of the Simpkins family home, including the one believed to have been used in Wednesday’s shooting. He said a weapon found on the street in Grand Prairie, Texas has been linked to the suspected handgun. "

*seek justice, be the big guy, or be a hero but not in this case

Here, from NBC:

A .45 caliber handgun was found in the streets of nearby Grand Prairie that police believe could be the gun used in the shooting.

That’s why I am confused. Was the one used in the shooting found in the house or in the streets?

And what does this mean: “a weapon found on the street” what could it be to be linked to the gun?

Seriously, other than a holster… which wouldn’t be a weapon… what was found on the street?

Or what did they find in the house?

Are they saying the kid used 2 guns or what?

Seems to me that they’re saying he may have used a gun found in the house or the gun found in Grand Prairie and don’t yet know for sure. Or maybe Fox mangled the statement and the gun found in Grand Prairie was the gun used.

This short video requires no commentary:

find it on r/BetterEveryLoop?

Lots of brains there.


More evidence we need to get tough on juveniles committing murder: a two year old toddler fatally shot his mother Shamaya Lynn, but he wasn’t charged with anything:

Two inches lower and there would have been lots of brains everywhere.

Blood, sure. Brains, I’m not so sure.

From the It Was Just a Prop department,

From the SYG/CastleDoctrine files, a man of Moroccan descent apparently got lost, pulled over and tried to get his nav system working when a resident who lived nearby approached the car, “confronted” the man (I would guess he politely asked “What the fuck you doin’ here, boy?”), and, unsatisfied with the response, fired through the closed window. The Moroccan man did not make it home that evening.

Holy Sh-t…! This is a tragedy (and obviously an accident). I thought that I read that prop guns for any movie set have to be under the control and constant supervision of a very specialized, very regulated, highly trained, certified/licensed ‘weapons master’. Things got a little lax in the 90s and that’s when Brandon Lee died when an obstruction in a barrel was blown through the barrel by the discharge of a blank… but after that scrutiny was supposed to be meticulous.

I had ‘heard’ ( ie someone mentioned it IRL to me and I can’t find an article to cite… but…) that at the start and at the end of scenes where any weapons are fired, each weapon used was supposed to be cleaned and verified to be fully safe, operational, and clean (barrels inspected and verified to be obstruction free) and that no live non-blank ammo was allowed to be present on the set for any reason.

Obviously the person who told me that was wrong because how could this ever happen again if that was actually the case?

Alec Baldwin must have been on his knees throwing up on the ground afterward…

The article linked above actually says that this is the protocol, and there will be an investigation to see if protocol was followed.

I’m sorry. I stopped reading when I got to the ‘condolences’ part because it was just too tragic. Still, it begs the question: are corners being cut on safety on sets again? Are actors / crew safe on sets where the production requires that guns be fired?

It’s all dress-up, fun, and games until someone gets blown away by a prop gun that’s supposed to be ‘safe’.

The shooter has been arrested.

Belief in supernatural evil is a strong predictor of pro-gun beliefs

Article from the Economist. Paywalled, but here is the gist:

A survey of 1,572 American adults found that, apart from religious denomination or religious conservatism, belief in the devil, demons and hell is a strong predictor of eight pro-gun beliefs, including arming teachers, carrying concealed firearms and bearing high-capacity defensive weapons. A Catholic who believes in supernatural evil is more likely to hold pro-gun views than a Protestant who does not believe that Satan is corrupting souls, and vice versa.

Airport patron reaches into his carry on and discharges a hand gun in the TSA inspection line:

According to AP, the TSA had confiscated almost 4500 firearms at airport security as of October 3rd. That is a great big helping of stupid we have in the US, that so many people would think of trying to get a gun onto a plane.