Stupid Republican idea of the day

No, you are entirely correct. It is inappropriate to describe him as “incompetent” or “struggling”, a better word would be along the lines of “malfeasance”. He seems to be very deliberate in his general efforts to subvert the proper functioning of the court. There is no place for ideology in justice.

Thank you

That’s true. He fails to perform his duties in a competent fashion completely without struggling.

So you are arguing that Black scientists really do struggle? That is the logical corollary to your statement the there is no parallel because Scalia doesn’t struggle.

In the first place, Scumlia never said anything about black scientists, he said that black students struggle in the better colleges. But BigBlue’s point is that Scumlia does not struggle, per se, because he does not even vaguely attempt to be fair and just. He has basically already decided how to vote, based on his own opinions, interests and financial backers. He does not have to “struggle”, he is a natural asshole, doing what comes naturally.

Excuse me:

Isn’t U Tex where they didn’t let Dubya in because he wasn’t smart enough?

That was third grade.

Today’s stupid Donald Trump idea of the day:

There are 6.5 million people over the age of 112 drawing Social Security.”

When pressed for a source, he told the press to go look it up.

A local TV news here in Sacramento actually referred to “The Donald Trump fact check of the day” on another topic tonight.

What’s truly shameful is that almost all of them are dead.

I’m actually surprised he didn’t claim that.

He did. He was at a rally and taking questions. Someone asked him about the future of Social Security. His answer, to the extent it was intelligible, was that he would save Social Security through reduction in waste, fraud, and abuse, and through overall economic improvement via (you guessed it) tax cuts. His evidence for the claim of massive waste, fraud, and abuse was that 6 million long-dead people were still collecting benefits. The linked article explains that one SSA database does list 6.5 million people over 112 as still “active”, but they were all correctly listed in SSA payment records and were not receiving checks.

I watched the clip in the linked article and liked how Trump kept saying he wanted to make the US rich "again ". Uh, the US is pretty rich right now. That wealth is not necessarily distributed to my liking, but money is one thing we’re not short of.

I also notice that when Trump relays an anecdote about a conversation he had, the other person in the anecdote always calls him “Mr. Trump”. His anecdotes always go like: “I was talking to a guy the other day, and he said, ‘Mr. Trump, you have to do something about these brown people.’” He wants us to know that everyone always calls him Mr. Trump.

Muslim-owned cafe firebombed.

And we’re supposed to keep out Muslim refugees because…?

What if the fire had spread to the business of an American next door? Likewise, if we shoot Muslims on the street, how many innocent Christians will get caught in the crossfire?

Collateral damage to Americans is why we shouldn’t just blow these people up all willy nilly. It’s much better to bomb them with drones in their own countries. :rolleyes:

A Christian accidentally killed during a Come to Jesus, Go to Hell action might be considered a martyr, having been unjustly killed for Jesus’ sake, albeit accidentally. Martyrs in the Christian faith, like martyrs in the Islamic counterfeit, are ensured a certain and sure place in Paradise. Which is to say, it looks very, very good on your Permanent Record.

The Christian martyr eagerly awaits transition to an Eternity of singing praises and adoration. The Muslim martyr, I’m given to understand, has a different set of expectations altogether. I don’t recall if there is any mention of singing.

What are you, stupid or something? There was a terrorist incident involving Muslims just last week. I think it was in Grand Forks, ND.

All Politicians Lie. Some Lie More Than Others

I do not know how strong the correlation is, but the more lies told, the better the support among the GOP primary voters.
Percent dishonest:
Ben Carson 84%
Donald J. Trump 76%
Ted Cruz 66%
Dick Cheney 59%
Rick Santorum 55%
Carly Fiorina 50%
Marco Rubio 40%
Lindsey Graham 34% (Only Republican with no ‘Pants on Fire!’ ratings)
Chris Christie 32%
Rand Paul 32%
Joseph R. Biden 32%
Jeb Bush 32%
Bernie Sanders 28% (No ‘Pants on Fire!’ ratings)
Hillary Clinton 28%
Barack Obama 26%
Martin O’Malley 25% (No ‘Pants on Fire!’ ratings)
Bill Clinton 24%

Bernie Sanders had the highest true rating of only 54%, followed by Hillary at 51% and Bill at 50%. Carson was way down at 4% true, Trump at 7%, then there is a jump up to Cruz who tells the truth 22% of the time. The highest Republican was JEB!, who was true 48% of the time. But he’s also down at, what, 3% in the polls. He needs to tell more lies to have a shot at the nomination.

To “earn” a ‘Pants on Fire!’ rating, not only does the person have to be stating a lie, it has to be a stupid lie.

I find politifact ratings to be a terrible measure for anything. Thier own articles can differ from the rating.

The actual number is 13. I was surprised it was that high.

Well, at least we have a good way to identify Trump supporters now - just ask them what the number is. His bloc isn’t real big on fact-checking.

13? Wow, a full Death Pool list. Not many points to be had from that, though.