Stupid Republican idea of the day

Got a nickel says Dukakis was nominated with Republican money. Can’t prove it, won’t try, but there it is.

Hear Claire McCaskill pulled the same trick to get a flaming asshole nominated as her opponent in Missouri. Worked like a charm. I, of course, renounce, denounce and condemn. But the important thing to remember is, both sides do it.

Back in 1980, I thought that Ronald Reagan was the only Republican candidate who had no chance of beating Jimmy Carter. Be careful what you wish for, my Republican friends.

But let us also remember that the basic thrust of Watergate was to undermine the Dems who had the best chance of beating Nixon so that he’d be able to cakewalk over McGovern. Worked pretty well at the time.

In her memoir, McCaskill says she spent a bundle to help Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin get the Republican nomination.

Rachel Maddow did a piece on that last week…

Rick Kitchen posted this in the Ted Cruz campaign thread but it also belongs here. Oh, boy does it belong here.

What is a voting record?

Its part of your Permanent Record, right below the part about the prevalence or lack of attitude problems.

Being a sanctuary for illegal aliens is horrible and somebody should do something about it in places like San Francisco, but let’s not do anything about the sanctuaries here in Iowa.”

By way of our good friends at Crooks and Liars

“Kissy kissy” Channeling Miss Piggy?

There probably should be a separate thread pitting Iowa Republicans for choosing Huckabee - Santorum - Cruz. They could not possibly have done a worse job since 2008.


My paper has them choosing Cruz–Trump–Rubio.

In the last three primaries, (s)he means.

Keyes, Bachmann, Carson. The Coalition of the Crazies?

Yes, of course.

2008 - Huckabee
2012 - Santorum
2016 - Cruz

As Trump would say, “What a bunch of losers”.

Iowa has proven itself incapable of making good choices. Some other state needs to take the lead. Iowa needs to restrict itself to raising corn and pigs.

BTW, He.

Rather than picking a winner, Iowa’s job (at least on the GOP side) seems to be eliminating the hopeless. They actually are a halfway decent bellwether. Granted, sometimes in reverse (i.e., the GOP winner of Iowa is generally not the nominee).

Of course, whichever state got to go first could do that.

Trump wants a do-over in Iowa accusing Cruz of fraud. Cruz fires back.

So Trump is not only a loser, he’s a poor loser.

Trump is the best at losing. Everyone Trump talks to says that he loses better than anyone else. Rubio, Paul, Carson - those guys are losers when it comes to losing!

(Side note; if you want a good laugh, type into your address bar and see what it redirects to.)

I might vote for Trump if he would be able to put the site designers of in a windowless dungeon forever. I closed my browser and I think it’s still loading.