Stupid Sports Fans

I don’t get it.

You want your team to win the championship and they do. Then stupid people get all worked up and take the joy of the win as an excuse to destroy property and injure people.

The Lakers win last night is just the latest of this senseless showing of humanity.

It makes no sense to me, we see this stuff happening all over the world. I am a serious Bronco fan and have Bronco stuff all over the place but when my team won two Super Bowls, you didn’t see me in the streets setting fire to things etc…

I find this behavior offensive and goes against what sporting events are all about, sportsmanship and competition in a fair playing field.

I think professional sports figures need to take a message to their fans and explain that this is horrific and not what their sports are about. A true fan celebrates the joy in a civil manner, enjoys the win of their team and savors the feeling.

Fer God’s sake people who do this rioting shit, stop this madness.

You never see baseball fans doing this, you notice.

At least, not lately.

Rather, we drag the players right off the field during the regular season and beat the crap out of them.

But at least then the violence is limited to one or two well deserving people!

Strike out with the bases loaded? This will learn ya! :smiley:

I think they just wanted an excuse. They’d probably torched the place if the Lakers lost, to. Just a bunch of deliquents looking to break things and steal shit.

I think it’s really scary that in todays society people are completely UNABLE to get together in large groups… either to celebrate or mourn…without breaking out into a mob mentality. What is it with the young males of today that makes them so damn violent? They seem to have no respect for anything or anyone. I think if this is our future leaders and adults… we are in serious trouble.

As for me. I found it once again disturbing. I spend so much of my time telling my friends and family that southern California is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be… and then this sort of crap happens again. Between the smog, the gangs, the earthquakes, the heat, OJ, serial killers, killer bees, fire ants, medflies, riots and the LA Cops… jesus… enough.

I hope the people who claim that New York sports fans are classless thugs are paying attention.

New Yorkers didn’t riot after the Yanks won their first championship in 18 years.
We didn’t riot after the Mets won their first championship in 18 years.
We didn’t riot after the Giants won their first championship in 30 years.
We didn’t riot after the Rangers won their first championship in 54 fucking years.

And L.A. can’t keep it in their pants after waiting 12.



Yep - New Yorker’s like to keep the violence on personal level. :: running, ducking, throwing out decoys ::


I truly hope this and similar sentiments are said “tongue in cheek”.

New York sports fans are not classless thugs. LA sports fans are not classless thugs. Classless thugs are classless thugs, regardless of the city where they reside.

It’s interesting that Southern California sports fans get tarred with a brush accusing us of showing up for games late, being more concerned with being seen around celebrities than seeing the game, and then leaving early to beat traffic. And now we’re a bunch of rioters? Please. LA baiters want to have it both ways.

Sports fans don’t do this. They don’t do it in LA, not in NY, not anywhere. These people no more did rioted “because the Lakers won” than the people who looted stores after the Rodney King verdict did so "to strike a blow for the rights of the oppressed. RIIIIGHT!

It’s funny, Columbine notwithstanding, I wouldn’t have thought that Colorado was home to a bunch of thugs and rioters. But hey, they were just waiting for a Colorado-Colorado State game to show their true colors??

Uh–anything you say, Oliver Stone.

I’m actually in full agreement with you, DRY. I was trying to defend NY’s reputation, not besmirch LA’s.

In previous threads I have said what you said. That in every sports town there is an Element of Unruly Fucknuts that don’t represent the majority of a city or fans of that city’s teams. Just as I look down upon Laker fans rioting, I look down upon battery-throwing Met fans. The riot is not due to their team affiliation but to some kind of antisocial rage they can’t keep in check.

So I’m not trying to make any Columbine connections here. I’m just defending NY while taking a piss out of LA fans :slight_smile:

“Taking a piss out of LA fans?” Sounds pretty damned painful?

(Great, I just fired off my 500th post in the Pit, of all places…Guess I’ll dedicate this post to Wally)

Yeah! Those classless L.A. thugs! Those idiotic L.A…

Wait, I live in L.A…

As dry pointed out, this kind of shit happens everywhere, all over the world. Soccer riots, football riots, Cubs fans, the cental park ‘wilding’ incident…It’s not just an L.A. issue.

As I read on a bathroom wall, ‘Life would be better if stupid hurt!’

Wait a minute, don’t bring Columbine into this discussion…that is a low blow…

I never said that Colorado fans are models of society, I only pointed out that I am one of those that refuses to be a part of this insanity!

Bronco fans did the rioting to a smaller level than the LA fans but then again we have far less people in our main city of Denver.

Not once did I condone it…I think that any rioting over a sporting event is just moronic and uncalled for. I could care less if it happens in Denver, LA or anywhere on the planet, it’s a fucked up deal that needs to be addressed.

This mob mentality is something that has not been seen to this degree since the 60s and at least then they had an argument worth looking at, not that it was good. Rioting over a sporting team is insane, especially when your fucking team won!

Sorry. I originally meant to say that Colorado seemed to be a relatively laid back and peaceful place to live, and had intended to reference the CU - Colorado State post game riot as an argument that stereotyping a city because a post sports riot happened there was just plain wrong. Then I realized that to not mention Columbine would be to leave myself wide open for a Pit slam. (“What about Columbine?”)

“Columbine” was NOT meant as a smartass remark. As far as I’m concerned, THAT could have happened anywhere. Heck, LA is far more likely than Colorado, if you ask me.

Apologies to anyone I offended with the Columbine remark…

And that’s just it–the fact that “our” team won–is why I don’t believe it was “sports fans” that were the ones causing trouble.

This wasn’t really about the Lakers. It was just a little warm-up for the Democratic National Convention that’s going to cost the city 11 million dollars.

for starters…

football and soccer are one and the same :wink:

my opinion: there is way to much money in professional sports to be healthy for any sane human being. i say “amateur sports only”.

bj0rn - same goes for actors…

Only a foreigner would say football and soccer were one and the same.

Know what city you go to if you don’t want to see any SuperBowl or NBA Championships riots?

As for the riots in L.A I can name two reasons.
1)Alcohol was involved.
2)Fans were angered because of free agency. They didn’t want their team split up. Did you see right after game 6, how all of the news people didn’t ask about the championship, but started asking about who was doing what next year. And their was a big screen up outside of the staple center. Get my drift??

Yeah, free agency is such a terrifying thought that people will start rioting. Oh no, John Salley might move to Milwaukee and kill our chances. Heavens, Glen Rice might not be around next year to provide minimal shooting and the defensive skill of no armed blind man.

Alcohol. Yes.
Idiocy. Yes.
A lack of intelligence. Yes.

Free agency? No.

Yes, I’ll give you that one (but it was hardly a “riot”).

But this one? You gotta be shitting me, right? These fans don’t give a shit about free agency. Hell, they’re not even real fans. They’re fucking bandwagon fans. They could care less if Glen Rice is traded.

These “fans” were just looking for any excuse to vandalize and loot. It’s despicable. Here they are celebrating their home team’s win, but in the process, they’re destroying their own fucking backyard.

So bjOrn wants to start a little fight about what’s football, huh? Come on, people. There’s enough registered Dopers that we could take on his entire fucking island!

We might have a problem if the people fight us, but that island is toast! :wink:

And another one for Wally. :wink: