So, Homecoming is in a month or so, and I have to come up with one of those stupid-cute-annoying-expensive-thoughtful-thoughtless ways to ask a girl to Homecoming. I need an impersonal mechanism to display my impersonal interest in her affections at a socially mandated, materialistic, annoying cultural formaility.
Okay, so I’m going overboard here, and I don’t really hate Homecoming that much, but it’s been a little while since I’ve had an excuse to buy her flowers, so I want to find some annoyingly cute way to ask her to Homecoming.
Allow me to lay out a few basic groundrules:
- Less than $30, total.
- Shows some obvious effort.
Allow me to elaborate on number three: It can be in front of some of her close friends, and I don’t mind asking her out in front of her friends in person, I just don’t want it to be one of those things where she walks into her classroom, etc. It’s like a PDA, and runs the gammut from annoying to disgusting.
So didpense with the stereotypical, pointless, pedestrian ways to ask my girl friend to Homecoming.