Stupid Windows 98 question

I removed a program from my computer. It was starting up every time I started Windows and now it is searching for it every time I turn on the computer. I had it in the lower right corner or the start bar, so I guess it technicaly didn’t start every time but its icon went down there.

I searched help and they make it sound like you simply remove it from the start menu by going to the settings and removing it manualy. I did this but it still looks for it. How do I do it?

If you click on start and then run, type “msconfig” into the open box and click on okay. There should be a tab there “startup” find the name of the program you want to disable and uncheck it.

Thanks! Now that I’ve unchecked it, it doesn’t start. How do I remove the name of the program from the list with the checked boxes? I unchecked the box, but the name remains with an unchecked box next to it. Thanks again.

Start/Settings/Control Panel/Add Remove Programs

I think Mahaloth already did that.
You can’t remove it from the list of start-up programs - at least, I’ve never found a way. All you can do is uncheck it.


Search key values for the name of the program. Delete it wherever it appears.

warning: Manually editing your registry can make your OS unstale and generally ruin your day if you make a mistake. Do so at your own risk.

“Thanks! Now that I’ve unchecked it, it doesn’t start. How do I remove the name of the program
from the list with the checked boxes?”
Forget it, just let it be there. Its such a tiny tiny thing anyway & if you edit the registry to change it you’re in for a lot of work possibly.

If you must, get a free program: tweakui.

Sorry, that’s exactly right if you really want it gone. You can also download a free program called RegClean that’s a lot safer.

If, when you first removed it, you just deleted the programs files (without using Add/Remove Programs), you can probably remove it more thoroughly by reinstalling it then using Add/Remove to get rid of it this time. The control panel should take away the registry entries for you.

Personally, I wouldn’t bother. Just leave it turned off in msconfig.