Suggest some libertarian valedictions

For example, I know someone who ends letters with the phrase, “Yours in liberty”.

Any good suggestions?

*Sincerely Mine,
Mr. Lahey

With much Galt,
Mr. Lahey

Your brother in freely bearing arms,
Mr. Lahey

With best wishes for your continued good non-government subsidized health,
Mr. Lahey

May Ron Paul be with you always,
Mr. Lahey

That third one sounds a little gay,
Mr. Lahey

See you at the Rush concert,
Mr. Lahey

Word to your mother, and by “Word” I mean “Milton Friedman” and by “your mother” I mean your mother,
Mr. Lahey*

Hands off my shit,
Mr. Lahey

Really, it’s all downhill from this first once. Magnificent in its simplicity. However . . .

This will not do. Liking Rush makes one a libertarian the way liking Vanilla Sky makes one a Scientologist. Watching Neil Peart perform is like watching a 3-ring circus.

A post so nice I wrote it twice.

Your logic is faulty. It doesn’t matter that not all Rush fans are libertarians, only that all libertarians like Rush. Which they do, every single one.