I’ve been meaning to post this for a while now, but this thread about getting started out running sorta kicked me into it.
I’m actually right now on week 9 of Cool Running’s couch-to-5K running plan. I’ve also been using their stretches, or to be entirely honest, certain ones of them: numbers 1 through 5, 7, and 12.
The problem is that I really don’t like a lot of these stretches. The first ‘wall pushup’ seems just fine for stretching the calves, but the second doesn’t do anything to speak of, and the third, while I can definitely feel a (not unpleasant!) stretch in my back, is rather awkward; I tend to feel as if I’m going to tip over. Most of the additional stretches listed that I don’t do are for similar reasons; number 6, the quadriceps stretch, feels more like pumping iron than stretching :P, 8 and 9 don’t seem to do a thing in the world (and in the case of the iliotibial band one, looks and feels -really- flippin’ silly).
Are there some good stretches to replace or add to my current set that you running veterans can suggest? Ideally, I prefer things that I don’t need more than myself and maybe a wall or floor to do; the towel needed for the hamstring stretch is something I’d like to eliminate, if I could. Also, bizarre contortions should be kept to a minimum; google searching for iliotibial band stretches seems to show a preference for things that twist you into a pretzel. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks all!