Summer digital distribution sales

Although, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, the third MGS game (and the fifth in the MG series which is also the first chronologically) had more gameplay than movie as I recall it. It was kind of a return to the first MGS, rather than the second which heavier on the cutscenes. It was also well-paced and had a nicely taut story. The last one I played was the fourth, which was fun but kind of ruined me on the series since it took the cutscene paradigm of 2 and turned it up to 11. If I want to watch a movie, I’ll go watch a movie. I prefer my exposition be revealed through actual gameplay.

Kojima never met an editor he didn’t ignore/fire/kill…

I haven’t seen a ton to get super excited about this sale although I also own a lot of the bigger titles. Some cheap stuff with Positive/Very Positive reviews include:

Spintires: Mudrunner - Only $2.99 if you own the original Spintires
This Strange Realm of Mine - $1.29
The Fidelio Incident - 99¢
Redie - $1.49
Diluvion - $2.99
Aaero - $4.79
JULIA: Among the Stars - $3.99
Firewatch - $4.99
Valley - $3.99
Valiant Hearts - $5.09
50 Years - $2.99

Figured it’s easier to just link them than to try and explain each game.

Making it further into Metal Gear, and fewer cutscenes. The gameplay is really well done.

For a controller, I assume.

The PC port is incredibly lazy–half the time, but only half the time, the keyboard controls are given onscreen. The other half the time, and on the “PC Controls” tab, it just shows which joystick to twiddle. And the mouse is disabled entirely on certain screens where it really should be enabled.

I’m slowly figuring it out, with the help of messageboards and third-party FAQs, and yeah, it’s gorgeous. But damn, do better at porting, people!

Last complaint about MGV: SAVE POINTS ARE TERRIBLE. During non-missions, you can save at any point–but only with the exploit of selling a single resource. During missions, there’s no effective saving that I can find. And since this is a stealth game that encourages taking things very slowly and discourages impatience, if you fuck up, you can easily have to redo the last 20 minutes or more of gameplay.

Whew. Okay.

Two days left on the Steam Summer Sale, and I’ve got two recommendations that folks might not have considered:

  1. Titan Quest. This is a 2006 Diablo clone that I played the absolute snot out of. What makes it shine is its character customization system: there are like 8 or so classes, and you get to choose two different classes, meaning there are 56 different basic approaches to the game. And there’s plenty of nifty combos you can achieve with clever mix-and-matching: one class might allow you to make a stormcloud to surround enemies to lower their resistance to fire damage, while the other class does massive fire damage. It’s $4 now.
  2. Ori and the Blind Forest. It’s $10 now, so on the steep side of for-sale games, but it’s the most beautiful side-scroller I’ve ever played. Very Metroidvania, if I understand the term, and hard as hell in certain sequences–but unlike ANOTHER GAME I COULD NAME, the most you’ll ever need to replay is like 5 minutes of stuff, and you definitely learn from failures, and when you finally complete a hard sequence, it’s so gratifying.

Titan Quest is a fun game and I’d recommend it as well to anyone who likes hacking through (or shooting fireballs/arrows at) piles of mythological creatures.

I’ve been trying to play some of my Summer Sale purchases and put them all in a separate Steam category rather than letting them get lost in the weeds of my library. The one or two “major” titles like Hellblade I already know I’ll like but I’ve been testing my cheaper indie purchases:

Zomborg - Top down style, mission-based, zombie shooter. Maps have an objective as you go through the story (“Search three cars, collect intel bag”) and you have at it. Only did the first two maps but it was pretty fun.

Swarmlake - Endless shooter style game that puts you on an infinite map to collect points and shoot the blobs trying to kill you. Try to beat your own high score and hit the leaderboards. Games only last a few minutes at most. I liked it.

Pan-Pan - Indie puzzle/exploration game. Cute but the puzzles aren’t really well done (mainly “move stuff until something happens”) and I understand that it’s pretty short. You can wait on this one.

Haydee - Unfortunate modeling of the character between the giant boobs and wedgie-butt but there’s Workshop mods to change that. Playing as (clothed) Max from Life is Strange or Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite is amusing. Third person puzzle shooter with a lot of “Press button in Room 2, go to Room 6 where gate opened, climb in to Room 8 to find key card, return to Room 2 to open locked door and find hidden grate to Room 9…” plus robots who want to kill you. Seems well done if you like that sort of thing but I’ll probably need a walk through to ever finish it.

50 Years - A minimalist empire sim where you need to survive for fifty years, building your town and hiring armies. Plays sort of like the old DOS game “Hamurabi” but with pictures. Different starting nations have different modifiers and you can sell your soul to the Chicken Devil. Games last under an hour. I had fun.

Diluvion - Not sure what to think about this one yet. You’re piloting a submarine around a submerged civilization and doing crew management. Controls are a little annoying and it could use more direction getting you started. Might be good but I suspect there’s a strong learning curve and hump right at the beginning.

This Strange Realm of Mine - I really liked this one. The story is full of Philosophy 101 textbook cribbing, emo song lyrics and bad high school poetry but the level designs are innovative and interesting and pacing is good. You’re dead, but not dead and are seeking the truths about life, God, yadda yadda. Low-rent indie pixel sprites in a first player shooter. Game is maybe three hours long though it has a little replayability in getting a different judgement at the end based on your actions. Was easy going on default difficulty.

Valley - It’s a first person exploration game with some platforming and shooter elements. You play as someone looking for the fabled “Lifeseed” and wind up in the Colorado Rockies, stumbling across both the ancient ruins of a lost civilization and the more recent ruins of the 1941 military program that tried to exploit it. Piece the together the story in the usual way via audio tapes and letters laying around.

The main gimmick here is the LEAF suit, a mechanical exoskeleton that allows you to make great leaps, protect you from falls and gives you the power to drain life from the environment around you or to restore the dead. Leaping around is a lot of fun and reminds me a little of Prototype or Saints Row IV. When you die, the suit drains life from the valley around you to regenerate your own life so you’ll see trees turned to dead trunks or the corpse of a deer that unwittingly gave its life for you. Enough to guilt you into zapping it back to realm of the living. Game play felt fairly casual; I think I’m probably halfway or more through it and only died a handful of times from ill-placed jumps. Nice world, nice game play, nice music.

Anyone won one of the games in the Steam “Salien” contest/clicker game?

July 4 flash sales from Fanatical. One added every hour.

About 20 hours left in the steam sale. This may end up being the first time I’ve ever skipped a big steam sale. Just not a lot compelling going on anymore. You end up getting better deals on the smaller sites if you keep an eye on it. gamedeals on reddit is good for this.

I haven’t bothered since they got rid of the flash sales, which kinda made it fun.

Though this time I picked up I Am Bread, a cheap game, mostly to test if the problem with my credit card was not working, or if it was just a problem with Paypal. It was Paypal–ordering directly worked. It’s cheap enough that I figure if I get like a few minutes of fun out of it, I’ll be ahead.

At least, I think it was part of the Summer Sale. It might’ve been something done for Summer Games Done Quick.

I had a surprisingly good sale myself, against my expectations. Although you still don’t see the killer AAA deals like in the good ole days, I picked up on a number of smaller titles for either 75-90% off or smaller discounts but on a low base price so it didn’t really matter. I’ve been making a conscious effort to play them and most have left me with good impressions.

Green Man Gaming is having a rather late summer sale with flash deals/daily deals for 14 days.

I couldn’t find a newer one of these threads , but Deus Ex:Mankind Divided is down to a pittance($4.49) on Steam this week. And the rest of the series is even cheaper.

Summer’s over. :slight_smile:

I don’t regular update any sort of normal weekly sales anymore, since there are literally hundreds of them every week, and there are good resources for tracking them like is there any deal or the gamedeals subreddit. I’ll still run threads for the big sales we get a few times a year.

This year’s sale at Steam reportedly starts a week from today.