Summer Edition of "Whatcha Reading?"

A couple of classics right now:

Asimov’s Robot Visions, a collection of his robot stories and essays. (Hi, jsgoddess!)
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, a kind of coming-of-age fantasy/horror/nostalgia novel.

I’m wrapping up Alison Weir’s The Wars of the Roses, and just about to climb into a good, indulgent reread of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

Also on-and-off-the-plate-again is Sir Larry Olivier’s On Acting, which is a hilarious read for his very, very after-the-fact snarks on some of his critics. :slight_smile:

I’m one of those people who is never reading a book. I begin books, get bored, start reading another book, get bored, read another, get bored, go back to the first book, get bored… eventually I read them all or give up on some in disgust. At the moment, I’m part way through five books:

Faerie Tale by Raymond Feist
Sickened by Julie Gregory
Son of the Shadows by Juliet Marillier
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

I just finished reading Maggie Needs an Alibi by Kasey Michaels. I also recently read Serpent on the Crown by Elizabeth Peters and I recently finished rereading the Harry Potter books.

Headquarters in the Brush: Blazer’s Independent Union Scouts by Darl Stephenson
*The Rising Sun : The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-1945 * by John Toland


Shinano: The Sinking of Japan’s Secret Supership by Joseph Enright

Recently Finished:

Douglas Adams - Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide
I finally got around to this and found it pretty enjoyable. Now I’ll have to catch the movie.

Eric Brende - Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology
Fascinating stuff. Grad student and his wife live without electricity for over a year. It really made me think about the role of technology in society.

Chuck Palahniuk - Haunted
Not as engrossing as Fight Club or Survivor or even Lullaby, but I love the way the man writes.

Robert J Sawyer - Hominids; Humans; Hybrids (Trilogy)
Can’t say why I even bothered to finish these. Garbage.

Next Up:

Ernst Junger - Storm of Steel
Author’s memoir of WWI.

I also have several issues of Fantasy and Science Fiction to catch up on.


I’m actually not a huge fan of Asimov, and I hate short stories. Yet, I’m reading the book and enjoying it. It’s some monster collection of his. Maybe two or three volumes?

My husband might still convert me into a fan yet!

I just finished Sarah Vowell’s new book, Assassination Vacation, took a short break with David Sedaris’ Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, and now I’m starting in on Vowell’s The Partly Cloudy Patriot. I’ll end up with all her books, I know it.

Just finished Jonathan Franzan’s The Corrections this morning. Started Elmore Leonard’s Mr. Paradise this afternoon. Harry Turtledove’s Justinian is on deck.

“Other Voices, Other Rooms”, by Truman Capote. I’m doing Southern authors, this Summer.

So far, this month:

Flash Forward – Robert J. Sawyer
Calculating God – Robert J. Sawyer
Humans – Robert J. Sawyer
Hybrids – Robert J. Sawyer
Weapons of Choice – John Birmingham
The Plot Against America – Philip Roth
To Be the Man – Richard Fliehr

When I go to bed tonight, I’ll start either Conquests and Cultures by Thomas Sowell, Hannibal’s Children by John Maddox Roberts or The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. Haven’t decided yet.

Re-reading Mike Nelson’s Death Rat!, by Michael J. Nelson. Very silly and very funny novel by the former “Mystery Science Theater 3000” head writer/host. Includes great parodies of Nelson’s fellow Minnesotans Garrison Keillor and Prince.

I’ve been tentatively expanding my recreational reading over the past year. Instead of my usual murder mysteries (wallpaper for the brain), Ive tucked into some SF and fantasy titles recommended by Dopers.

Just read everything I could get my hands on by Guy Gavriel Kay. What a find! Nlow if he’d just write faster.

I’ve been a devoted fan of Connie Willis for years, but for some reason hadn’t read her Doomsday Book. Great, great read.

I also stumbled across Jane Lindskold. Her wolf series is pretty good; her newest, Child of a rainless year was really interesting. Have a couple others of hers on reserve as well: Changer and Legends walking.

Hi all,

I am in re-reading mode- right now its Larry McMurtrey- I just got done with Dead Man’s Walk and Streets of Laredo . Seriously thinking of naming my new kitten “Bigfoot Wallace”. I was pleasantly surprised at Streets of Laredo - its been about 7-8 years since I last read it and I didn’t expect to like it as much as the others (I think the absence of a living Gus McCrae bothered me before) but it was, on re-reading, a great book. Now I’m reading Comanche Moon .

Speaking of which- where I can a find more books like these- not necessarily westerns but just good, long and well written? Other authors I like but have exhausted are Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Irvine Welsh (strange kinda group now that I think of it :slight_smile: ). I do really enjoy historical fiction but cannot stand Collen McCullough so don’t bother recommending her :).

<snap!>Disco Bloodbath by James St. James! <snap!>

Faaabulous! Perfect to bring to the Mermaid Parade this afternoon in Coney Island!

In the lineup: rereading the fifth Harry Potter to lay the groundwork for the sixth in a couple of weeks. Catching up on the Amelia Peabody series.

Lorrie Moore’s collection of short stories.

The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn by ? (too lazy to get up and look)

And rereading thru HP–I am on Book 4 now, getting ready for Book 6 in a few weeks.

Any number of gardening books and also want to try Mercedes Somebody --one of her trilogies looks good (Joust, Alta and Sanctuary).

as you can see, I am not good at remembering author’s names!

I am also reading Anno Dracula by Kim Newman.
Berry, berry interesting. Blaaaaaaah!

I love McMurtry too. He takes up two shelves in my bookcase. You might like Heart of the Country by Greg Matthews. Whenever I think of Lonesome Dove, Heart of the Country comes to mind. The hero (actually, he’s an anti-hero) is a vengeful buffalo hunter. I’ve loaned it to lots of people who liked Lonesome Dove, and all of them have liked it.

I’m on a Gene Wolfe kick this summer. I finished The Fifth Head of Cerberus and am now re-reading The Book of the New Sun for what must be about the sixth time. After that I’ll read the other sun series.

I should start to re-read the Harry Potter series ( I’ve done 1 & 2 with the kids outloud, but that takes about 6 weeks per book…urg. So I will have to do some clandestine stuff before #6 comes out.