"Super 8" is super lame (open spoilers)

Only Drew Barrymore would know.

Don’t be disgusting.

That’s his sister.

I started to get all butthurt thinking you were talking about me, but then I read closer, and since the last thing I am is erudite and informed, you must be talking about Dio. Dio, are you going to stand for that?

God help us if Michael Bay and J.J. Abrams ever get together to do a movie. It’ll be nothing but explosions, lens flares, and lens flares caused by the explosions.

Saw it last night (drive-in double feature with Cars 2.) When I saw the description on TV Tropes this morning of it being like an amalgamation of Spielberg’s early work, I figured out why I didn’t like it. I don’t like E.T. (though part of that may have been being forced to watch it with all the other kids at parties over and over again in the 80s on VHS as a kid), I don’t like the Goonies, I don’t care for Close Encounters, and (to name the movie’s X Meets Y), I didn’t like Cloverfield. Glad I didn’t pay more than $4 to see it.

Ok, so I’m one of those people who just HAS to see the movie on opening weekend or my interest drops rapidly. I missed this movie and have no desire to see it anymore. I read the synopsis on Movie Spoilers and it seems pretty much like what Dio posted.

With that said, I’ve been trying to find a picture of the alien. All I get when I google are some Cloverfield monster pictures and some random monsters that may or may not be the Super 8 monster. Anyone who’s seen the movie have a legitimate pic?