Superdude and Kerry Wood kicking it old school

Well, Chicago area Dopers…I’m heading to Chicago even BEFORE ChiDope for a few days. Tuesday I shall see Kid K versus the lowly Milwaukee Brewers. I shall amongst the few. The chosen. The bleacher bums. I AM trying to figure out where we should eat. Any ideas?

Yak-Zee’s on Clark. (about a block north of Addison.) Nothing fancy, but good food, and outside seating if that is something that you’d consider a plus.

Well, the only advice I can give you, is what I did after the last Cubs game I went to.

However, that involves (in all “seriousness”) walking around with an inflatable alligator, creeping into every group photo I could, drinking from my “binoculars”, going into a mexican restaurant somewhere around Wrigley, and insisting that my alligator have his own seat.

I would have loved to see people’s expressions, but for some reason (haze or smog I imagine), all of Chicago was out of focus that day. I think they had it set to the wrong lens setting. I dunno.