superfluous piece of fence

I keep seeing fencing that has a superfluous piece added. The extra piece is at a right angle to the main fence. It is always a small rectangle. I only see this on fences with a lot of space below them. For example most fences on a overpass seem to have them. But the superfluous piece or pieces are not positioned in a way to ensure that folks do not throw things on the road beneath the overpass. I also have seem them on fences along the top of a high retaining wall. This means that the superfluous pieces always hang in the air.

One guess that I have is that they are there simply to occupy the space so that someone doesn’t string a cable too close to the fence.

I have rejected my other guess that they are there to exert some force of the fence to keep it positioned. The main fence to too study to benefit from the trivial added weight.

These are all chain link fences, but I never see other fence styles on retaining walls or overpasses.

So does anyone know why the extra piece is there?

It may be to keep people from climbing over the fence and on to the bridge arches. We have lakehouse near a bridge and people would drive up to the bridge in their boats and climb up the bridge arches and string up rope swings. The Corps of Engineers (I assume) then added this sort of thing near the base of the brige arches. Different location but same purpose.

The extra piece is there to keep people from climbing along the outside of the railing. Notice that this piece is longer than a person’s extended arm can reach. A person (such as a reckless youth) can’t swing out over the railing and walk along the outside, tempting fate and gravity. This piece is not there to protect the truly suicidal, just the stupid. It can also be used to channel traffic and prevent unwanted intruders.

For great examples of this “technology”, look at the Texas/Mexico border. The Border Patrol doesn’t want people sneaking into the country without crossing the bridges (in the normal way). These barriers are erected to keep people from slithering along the outside of the bridge. That and razor wire, cameras, dogs, patrols, etc.

Hmmm…I think you guys have nailed it. It never takes long around here! I never would have thought of that.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised…but my God! So many people want to walk on the wrong side of a fence over a highway that this is now a standard practice??? Cecil will be in business for a long time.

Naaah, it’s not so many people. All you really need is one total idiot to climb to the other side, fall off, and sue the pants off of City Hall for not preventing such things.