Supernatural May 20 2011 "Let it Bleed" and "The Man Who Knew Too Much"

What’s Supernatural without painful heart-to-heart chats & long meaningful glances?

From a storyline perspective, I’m kind of glad, because I don’t think they know what to do with Cas-as-God. The war of the angels story arc kind of flopped. From the perspective that I want to see Misha Collins on screen more often, well, this kind of sucks.

Well, as long as they are new and different painful chats and glances, great. Are they going to do this for the whole next season:
“I don’t love you like a brother anymore.”
“I’ve saved you and your family members ten times since the last time you said that.”
“Yeah, thanks. I still don’t love you like a brother anymore.” (I might love you in some other way if I get drunk enough MAYBE.)
“I’ve done everything for you. Why won’t you support me in my misguided quest to become god?”
“I can’t tell you why, man, you just gotta trust me that you shouldn’t do it.”
*Sam stabs him from behind with a knife."
“I don’t love you like a brother either!” Stab, stab.

Surely Cas cannot remain a god for long because how could he be interesting with that much power and distance? Either he can’t handle all the power and needs to burn off most of it for self-preservation, or he uses it up fairly quickly beating some enemies and goes back to being the old Cas, or “actual God” returns from whereever and demotes him after thanking him for straightening out the uppity Raphael…

I’m hopeful that they’ll keep him in a big role. He’s so popular with fans, you’d think they’d pay him whatever it takes and cut costs elsewhere. I’m guessing that being a regular means you are committed to acting in all the episodes whereas guest star means you might be in every episode, but if a great movie deal or something comes up you have the flexibility to take some time off?

I’m kinda hoping the newest deity on the block get de-powered quickly and as a consequence is demoted to…HUMAN. Hilarity ensues.

I seem to recall a glimpse of a future in which Cas was depowered and human…and a stoner. And we all remember his reaction to Dean’s comment that without his angel mojo, Cas is a baby in a trenchcoat. :smiley:

I thought of the becoming human angle too. Castiel seems drawn to humans and curious about how they work. And when he was handcuffed in that offing-Eve episode he handled it calmly without any vibe of “How dare you touch me you lowly mortal!” So I don’t think it would be psyche-shattering for him to lose his angelic powers and nature. But then what would he have left to contribute towards actually saving the world or hunting monsters? He would have increasingly outdated insider knowledge, and his character traits such as calmness, courage, and ruthlessness would continue to serve him well – he got a demonspawn cop to talk by apparently shoving his whole hand inside the guy when his powers were sealed. I doubt he has any hand-to-hand combat ability, isn’t well-acquainted with guns, and couldn’t try to pass himself off as someone else without raising suspicion. Some of that could be learned in time I guess. Maybe he could be human for a season and then his punishment would be over and he’d get his powers back.

It would be hilarious though.

“Cas! Where are you! We really need your help!”
“I’m in the bathroom.”

We were on vacation when the finale aired here - I saw the first episode, but not the second one. Would anyone care to give me a rundown on what I missed?

It’s up on the cw website. I just rewatched it last night. Along with twenty million commercials. Hm, maybe if I let the whole thing run through while I do other stuff then I can start it over and fast forward through the commercials.

As I suspected, I can’t watch it on the CW website since I’m in Canada.

Well that sucks. :frowning:
Does this help?

iTunes has it for about $3 if that’s of interest.

Nope - link takes me back to CW. :frowning:

$3 on iTunes, eh? That is interesting. I’ll be buying the DVD set as soon as it’s out, so maybe I’ll just have to hold onto my gitch. I’ll see how long I can hold out.