Surprise! Sharpton Blames "White Media" for His Poor Showing!

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (AP) - Veteran black activist Al Sharpton contended Wednesday that the news media are dismissive of his presidential campaign because newsrooms are overwhelmingly white. “I think when you look at the lack of diversity in the newsrooms, when you look at the lack of diversity from the editors and those in power, then you see them as automatically dismissive of anything that is not like them, which is white males,” said Sharpton. “I think we’ve seen some very blatant racial insensitivity in the coverage of this race so far,” said Sharpton, in an interview with The Associated Press. “That kind of racial insensitivity has permeated this race,” he said. “I think we’ve seen some very blatant racial insensitivity in the coverage of this race so far.”

–Yeah. And no one takes Lyndon Larouche or Arnold Schwarznegger seriously, because they’re black, too . . .

Arnold DID say that his last name means “black plowman”. :smiley:

I think he should blame whoever does his hair. Did the white media sneak into his house and put a ton of curlers and grease in his hair? No, they didn’t. I don’t think any sane hairdresser would do that. That leaves just Al or maybe his wife to blame.

And maybe Luster’s Pink Hair Lotion.

Allkidding aside, I WANT to know what Sharpton’s done with his federal matching funds! Is there ANY law that requires this clown to account for all the taxpayer=supplied money he has received. Yeah, I know all about Sharpton’s claim that he only owns the gold necklaces he sports…but somebody ought to make him pay the legal judgements against him (the Tawana Brawley case, where he commiteed perjury on behalf of Tawana).
Wat a bum…and we have to pay for him!