Survival test I found online

There’s a survival test here that’s kind of fun. After 4 tries I had my score up to 99%.


I got 99% after 4, too. I actually thought of one of the things that brought my last score up earlier, but dismissed it as too silly.

It was lighting the gas on fire.

I damn right better had gotten a 99 on the first try…Outward Bound was my friend - and brief employer for 2 summers.

My first try I got 97% overall, with 49% protection from elements and 40% catching the attention. My survival IQ was 62.

I choose the mirror, water, rations, sextant, plastic, and fishing kit. My results said the fishing kit was useless, as was the sextant, but I was rescued anyway from signaling a plane with the mirror.

I tried to do better and again got 97% overall, but this time I had 49% elements and 97% getting rescued, with an IQ of 81.

I ditched the sextant and fishing kit and grabbed the gas-oil mix and cushion, and I was able to signal better, but someone was eaten by a shark while “refreshing” themselves in the ocean with the cushion.

Two more (several worse) tries later trying the shark repellent and the radio, I finally found the best combo, resulting in 99% for everything and an IQ of 99:

Everything I had in the second one minus the cushion and adding the rope.

I got 99% second try by simply ditching the fishing kit for the water (which I hadn’t seen on the first run :smack: )

Cool little test. Thanks for sharing.

I got 99%. Woot! My items were…

The mirror, the water, the rations, the gas, the plastic, and rope.

Is it possible to get higher than that?

97% on my first try.

99% on my second try by:

swapping the sextant for the twenty feet of plastic since it said I tossed it overboard out of frustration (something I would *never *do!) :wink:

I bloody well better have gotten a 99% on the first try! I’d kick myself if I didn’t.

Took me four tries because

I didn’t see the rope, and I thought the sextant was cool

I ended up with the same combo as CaerieD

Your overall survival IQ is 82.
Your ability to stay alive is 99%
Your ability to protect yourself from the elements is 99%
Your ability to catch the attention of your rescuers is 48%

I have no type of survival experience, and got this on the first try. I guess I have enough common sense to stay alive till I’m found. :slight_smile:

First Try: Overall survival IQ= 82: Life expectency 99, Health 99, Ability to signal rescuers 48. Six items chosen were Shaving mirror, can of water, C rations, plastic sheeting, rope

Second Try: 99 all around. Only change in inventory: chose petrol instead of fishing kit

My problem with test like these is that I’m not entirely sure I agree with their evaluation of the materials. As far as the test’s favorite way to attract the attention of a plane at night,

gas-oil mix on water may disperse too soon. Using the cushion as a base for the fire will give it much more of a chance of staying lit.

Also, as for the dehydration

one of the purposes for the plastic is to replenish my supply of freshwater. 5 gallons will only last so long.

And, of course, as I am jumping into a survival raft, I am going to be as much worried about weight as I am number of things I can carry.

Yeah, but you would only get to use it once. In theory, just spilling it on the water you can use it multiple times.[spoiler]

Of course, it assumes what reasons you choose the items for, so there you go.

Why is chocolate a bad idea? I took it instead of the rope, but got everything else right.

What the hell is the rope good for?

To get the best score

you have to choose the rope and the plastic for protection from the elements, the water and food to eat and drink and the mirror and the gas/oil to catch attention. Dropping any item will lower your score

But I wonder if this is optimal. You are a thousand miles south west of the nearest land, in the south pacific. There is no indiction you have got a distress signal away, so rescue may be a long, long time coming. You have no means of propulsion, and you are too far from land to get ashore by your own means. Yet…

if you take the fishing kit you get marked down. But since you have no means of catching any food, your strategy is relying entirely on the food holding out. And there is no reason to think it will, given that you have no reason at all to think you will not be drifting around for months. The problem does not indicate that you know that fishing is not going to be good in this area.

So wait, there’s no zombies involved? How is this a realistic scenario?!?

I did crappy the first time. I skimmed the paragraph and chose things you would need to survive in the wilderness, not on a raft. As mentioned by JustAnotherGeek the tarp could be used to trap rainfall, or create a solar still.

With water, rations, oil-gas, plastic, rum and rope I got this:

Survival IQ 63, stay alive 59%, protection from elements 89%, catching attention 41%. However:

“You have endured many hazards with little harm to your health. Your thoughts turn towards finding means of protecting yourself from exposure. After days of waiting for rescue, you still have your stamina! You are noticed and rescued! You pass out and the next day die of exposure!”

Oh, thanks a f***load.

Had to trade the fishing kit for the 15 feet of rope

Why are we spoilering everything?

WOO!! IQ of 99 and survival of 99% on the first try! So remember, don’t go boating with me.