Survivor 10/30: It All Depends On The Pin-Up Girl

In the same sense that Cornwallis was a leader at Yorktown, I suppose. How many challenge victories did his leadership bring? Fang would be doing about as well with 2 scarecrows and a tackling dummy on their team.

The merge happens at ten players, and if Ace had any value as a strong challenge player, it would be playing for individual immunity after the merge. This was a perfect time for Sugar to dump him out of the game. It is right before the merge, and right before the people voted out would be on the jury. Ace would have been a much bigger threat to everyone’s game from now to the end.

Sugar used Ace just as long as she needed, and then blind sided him at just the right moment. Right before the Tribal council, she even guaranteed him that he would not need the individual immunity idol, and he bought it!
A masterful strategic move on Sugar’s part.

It was - you can see what she is writing in the video on, even though they blurr it out when she holds the paper up.

Sugar will either be the worst player still left in the game, or the best… depending on how the end game plays out.

Right now, she is extremely vulnerable, with 3 original Fang on her tribe. It is doubtful she can make it to the merge. Assuming the hapless Fang tribe goes to tribal council next week, she pretty much has to play her idol, then hope for a merge before she can be voted out.

I don’t see the strategic element of her blindside. She was in no danger from Ace this week, or next week.

I do think Ace blundered when he outright asked Sugar for the immunity. You’re supposed to let Sugar be sweet and offer you the idol.

That’s about as bad as Susie’s confession to Corinne that she was planning to vote her out.

Yeah, but remember, Ken had told her Ace would vote her out after she gave him the idol - and right on time, he came and asked her for the idol. I think she played it right to save herself, not just blindside him.
And what the hell was the grub diarrhea about? I like the nature shots, but I could’ve done without that one, thankyewverymuch!

Well, judging from next week’s previews, it looks as though we’ll see a merge next week. And, more than likely, the merge will happen before the IC. So Sugar will probably still have a fighting chance.

Thing is, he COULDN’T have blindsided her because she had immunity as well as the HII. It was a stupid move…she should have known Kenny was lying.

But Kenny told her Ace was plotting to get her out eventually, but obviously not this week.

And once she gives him the HII, he’s under no obligation to give it back. It was a poor move by Ace, never assume something that doesn’t belong to you is “our HII” instead of “Sugar’s HII.”

Another reason she should NOT want to give the HI to Ace was BECAUSE he asked for it.

The only reason to want to have the HI on your person is that you think you need to use it. Which means he was likely to play the HI at the TC. And then, whether or not he got any votes, Sugar would not get it back.

While riding on a strong man’s coat tails has worked for some female players, inevitably you get to the point that you are having to directly compete against him late challenges. So as soon as you think the merge is close, you really need to switch to a kill the strong strategy. Buh-bye, Ace!

I was distracted by the pet Burmese python (you know, from Burma…a lonnnnnnng way away from Gabon) they whipped out and involuntarily fellated us with. OKAY! I GET IT! ACE IS A SNAKE! Oh, sneaky snake! Snake! Show footage of Ace, show…SNAKE! Show people discussing the sneaky snake, show…Snake! Show sneaky snake asking for HII, show…snake on his way to TC! We get it, now at least give us a heads-up so we know when to swallow. Sheesh.

At least they mixed in footage of a less identifiable species–grass snake, maybe? Dunno. Wonder what the python’s name is.

I was rooting for Crystal to go, and hubby for Ace. Hubby won. Damn! And yes, looks like the merge is next week…or is it?

Ace and Dan in one week?? That sucks.

I can see it though. Fang is just pathetic, and they don’t need to even think about winning anything. They just need to keep being their pathetic selves and not starve to death until the merge. Why keep the smart strong guy around?

Dan? Well, he was kinda socially inept, and it’s not like Kota isn’t going to win until the merge anyway. Dan made a comment last week or the week before, “I need you guys [to help me win].” That was the wrong kind of thing to say.

Now it’s time for the men to vote each other off until the women control the numbers.

Stupid men.

I wasn’t saying Ace was going to blindside her. I was saying she kept the HII for smart reasons, not to just blindside Ace. Whether he went that night or not, she can’t trust him to have the Idol now that Ken convinced her Ace will betray their alliance and vote her out. The Immunity Marcus gave her was only good for that TC - HII is hers to use whenever she wants it. I still think she did the right thing.

That’s the same snake they have used many times before, I think.

Hey, has the HII actually been more of a blessing or a curse?

Sugar played the idol very well. offering it when it did not matter and taking it back when it did. Her smirk at the vote showed how much she is in control. She was not emotionally involved but played him for a sucker. She still hav the idol assuring her the merge. After that new dynamics start.

No kidding. I mean, even if she’s out of shape, I would still expect an Olympian to have some grit. To try at least. But she seems to give up at the slightest bit of adversity.