Survivor 19 Ep 1 09.17.09

By the way, did that 62 year old guy say, “Afro” American when referring to the Black water polo guy?

Yes, he most certainly did, I have the episode DVRed.

I thought so…weird.

To be fair, he’s at the age where he can remember the brief period of time when Afro-American was the preferred term for blacks, negros, African Americans, People of Color, or whatever the preferred term is currently.

The multimillionaire oil man is a little too ‘on the nose’, and smacks of villain casting. Where did the producers find him? “Bad Guys R Us”?

I love that this show is in HD, and I really wish they would do the same with “The Amazing Race.” Please tell me that I am not the only person who was sort of secretly hoping a big ol’ wave would wash Jeff away in the opening.

The only things I really noticed this episode, besides the beautiful nature pr0n, was how annoying “rocket scientist” is as a listed occupation, and also that Shambo’s she-mullet is SPECTACULAR. Is that a thing, now? I am seeing them more often and I am afraid I am behind the fashion curve again.

I don’t think “Afro”-American was ever the PC choice.

Ignorance fought.

“… because guess what? Your budget is coconuts”


If they keep eliminating the titties right off the bat, I’m gonna stop watching.

The fact that Pugssle is wealthy makes his Katrina lie even more lowdown.
I could kind of let it slide if he were just an ignorant redneck, which is what I thought from seeing the previews.

Yes, it most definitely was. This was during the Mod Squad days. (ETA: Disco Era, sorta)

I don’t get eeevil Russell H. He talks initially like he’s outside the game, playing a meta-game as it were: I don’t need the money, I’ll just create chaos and control the other players through that. Then one of his dumb-chick posse questions him, and he’s all “whoa! she got in my face! She is so GONE. I am ANGRY”. Dude, you’re either out of the game and beyond that shit and do what’s necessary for you’re meta-goals, or you’re in the game and it matters that your tiny dick got up in arms over some comment from your posse. Which is it?

That mullet alone could be the harbinger of a new mullet era. That is the most fabulous mullet I’ve ever seen. (I really never thought I’d have occasion to say that.) It’s so poofy!

Russell is the tool we are going to love watching. I had actual jaw dropping moments tonight when he formed the dumbass girls alliances, poured out and drank all the water, and burned the socks. At tribal I think he made a huge mistake by mentioning his alliance with Mareeeeesa at all. Dude, now everyone else you made a secret alliance with is gonna start wondering. Unless they really are dumbass blondes. I had a great first impression of him (and I agree with jayjay that he’s cute as hell), and even though I now have a diminished opinion, I still like him as a character.

I think the tribes are pretty evenly matched this season.

I am proud to say I called his Katrina story as bullshit before his confessional. The thing that pinged my BSdar was too many details. “It was a category 5 storm…” Yeah, no shit, dude. Everybody in the country knows that. It’d be like a 9-11 survivor saying “I was in the World Trade Center on 9/11 - that’s one of these two really tall buildings in NYC.”
But he did accomplish what he set out to do. I found myself thinking “wow - Coach who?”.

But Katrina was only Category 3 when it landed in the Gulf. (It was a Cat 1 as it went over Florida a few days earlier.) Cat 5 is very deadly, and its winds alone would bring down many homes. Coastal Gulf cities were hurt more by surges and flooding than by wind.

I know, right? I was watching Survivor while playing WoW and drinking blue Mountain Dew last night (it’s like the “Top Couch Potato” trifecta – “dead brain cells served three ways”) and I kept saying, “Oh my God, that mullet is awesome!” and “Oh my God, I have GOT to get me one of those mullets!” and I ended up getting three Guildies to watch with me. The power of cheese has NOTHING on the power of Shambo’s she-mullet. Behold!

In fact, I think I just might have a little bit of a girl-crush on Shambo. A tiny one, but that’s how all Great Showmances start: with just a spark.

Also (and I suspect this will come as no surprise to anyone), I would really, really like Russell H. to get some sort of really obnoxious illness, like poopworms or goatee lice or something. I can really appreciate a good villain, but he is NOT a good villain. (I agree with those who think he has a bit of something, though; his eyes are lovely. At least when his mouth is closed. Not my usual type {hi, Mick!} but not completely unfortunate, either.)

(Then again, sometimes it is hard to differentiate between “the hots” and “the crazies,” at least in my experience. Perhaps I ought to stop stalking crazy hot people.)

Shambo? What a maroon. I really don’t want to have to look at that hair for the next three months. (The goggles! they do nothing!)

I’ve got a girl crush on Betsy, the wise older woman whose BS meter is getting pinged by Russell. Watching that dynamic unfold is what’s going to make the Russell subplot interesting.

That kind of sociopathic personality is actually nurtured and admired in the business executive ranks. Doubly so in Texas business.

I’m not sure if sabotaging your own tribe on Day 1 is a particularly well-thought-out and farsighted strategy. If you succeed, you wind up losing a lot of challenges and rewards. Best case scenario is you make it to the merge with a tiny group of co-conspirators, and immediately get Pagonged. Worst case is somebody catches you at it and boots your ass to Sequesterville.

Do they still do Loser Island or whatever they call it? Did it only show up in later episodes?