Time’s coming for Survivor. So the previews are baiting us with a Medical Emergency scene.
PleaseOhPLeaseOhPlease let it be Shamar. Although I predict it’s him, getting a relatively slight injury, staying in the game and then demanding that his tribe mates bring him food/water (as seen in the preview).
And then, perhaps, his tribe mates bludgeon him and then this real Medical Emergency takes him out of the game. Dunno, could happen.
I think the producers made a mistake by putting all the experienced players together. There’s a learning curve in challenges, and having been there before gives you a distinct advantage. It’s not surprising that the fans are getting their butts kicked. It’s making for a really boring season, IMO.
My wife and both laughed out loud at the complete lack of effort in his tribe-mates pretending to care - “Oh Shamar, that sucks”…
I’m still not sure the Fans did the right thing (at least the alliance members, I think Reynold was absolutely right to play his idol after being lied to last week). Mike (I think it was) was absolutely right when he said “There goes the alliance”. They really need to win a few challenges to have a chance post merge - and even then I’m not sure it works out for them with 3 players (Reynold, Eddie, and now Sherri) totally ready to turn on their tribe if it helps their game.
And yes, it’s rather unfair the way the tribes are matched up challenge-wise. An early (like, after 2 votes) shuffle would have probably helped this season a lot.
Now, you see… Had he not been lying on his back all day, that grain of sand wouldn’t have fallen into Shamar’s eye. ‘I may have been reclining a bit, but Gravity’s to blame!’
The SO said that if he’s been deployed to the Middle East, Shamar should have known not to rub his eye with sand in it. I’ll tell you, Shamar does not fit the stereotype of Marines that I’ve developed from the few people I’ve met or worked with who were Marines. He seemed to be OK in the challenges, but his attitude around camp was for the birds. I have to wonder what other Marines are thinking when they see him.
FFA? is still acting like a wannabe. It would be fun if there were someone who emulated him, and manipulated him with false information.
Eddie was asked at TC what he thought of Julia. ‘She is the strongest of the girls.’ Not ‘She is a strong competitor’; she’s only strong for a girl. :rolleyes:
Well, then it wouldn’t be ‘Fans Vs. Favourites’!
I agree that the Fans are at a disadvantage because of the learning curve. OTOH, they’ve come close to winning a couple of challenges but lost because one player slowed them down. (And there was the Pick-Up-Sticks water challenge when a player tried to do the whole thing and got tired.) Mixing returnees can help the newcomers, but then we get to watch a season of newcomers complaining that the returnee already had his shot and should be voted off.
Frankly, I’m not into the Returning Players episodes. There are players whose game ended too soon, and there are ones who are interesting enough that I like seeing them again; but overall, I like seeing fresh faces. I find them more interesting.
A couple of other things not related to this season that I want to get off my chest: First, the whole Alliance thing got started too early. As I recall, Rich started it in the first season. It’s smart to have alliances, of course. It just seems to me that it’s become too big a part of the game. I could explain why, but I don’t feel like writing that much now. Second – and I know most will disagree with me – there needs to be more ‘surviving’. The general consensus is that starving people are boring. They’re too weak to do anything interesting. I think starving people are more testy and the fights are more interesting because emotions are closer to the surface. Sure, we have to put up with women degrading themselves by flashing their boobs for a taste of chocolate; but it’s better than listening to people whine about how they’re being forced to lie to people. I just found the show more interesting when people were pushed to their edge. (But then, I’m an evil person.)
I totally agree. I’ve said this before, but here’s what I’d like to see: The show starts with two tribes, as usual. But then before the first immunity challenge, they are randomly redivided. Oops, there go the alliances (at least some of them). Those new tribes compete in the challenge, loser tribe goes to tribal council. Then before the next immunity challenge, they are again randomly redivided, those new tribes compete, loser goes to tribal. In other words, before EVERY immunity challenge, they are randomly redivided. So now, no one can depend on their alliance, because you have no idea how many of your alliance will actually be with you at any given tribal council. This would force people to come up with some new strategies, rethink their game play, instead of the usual “make a strong alliance”. It would also have the side benefit that neither tribe would ever have more than one extra member.
I agree with the boring consensus, I find myself not even looking at the screen. I hope things will get interesting later in the season, maybe I’ll try a bit harder to pay attention in, oh, 6-8 weeks.
Alliances break up. It happened last night and we’re what, three episodes in? The tribe of newbies may not realize it yet, but they’re broken. The young strong guys hold the cards now.
Alliances rarely make it to the end intact, and when they do, it takes a strong personality to hold it together. Someone like a Rob or Parvati or Rich or that tall chick from Texas. I don’t see anyone of that caliber this season, so I expect the alliances will break up and reform right up to the end. Malcolm has the ability, maybe, but I can’t imagine anyone trusting him without knowing why he was chosen.