Survivor 4/18 Predictions. Plus, All-Survivor Survivor!

My favorite moment was when they showed John kickin back (with his incredible abs), striking a GQ pose, talking about how with Paschal and Neleh on his side, it’s like having two free passes to the dance (or somthing like that).

Oh, and to answer Dinsdale’s question:

I THINK Tammy will win.

I WANT Paschal to win.

Holy Moly.

I should’ve watched the little recap at the end, 'cause then I wouldn’t have been surprised that Zoe voted for John.

How very, very interesting.

:: does double-take, adds a spit-take in for good dramatic effect

Zoe voted for John?

This is going to be really interesting.


Seriously, if the four were SMAERTIES, they would have let Paschal of Neleh win immunity. At least if they did not win, give them the impression that they might win and cut general’s ropes early (he is a low flier and would easily have been safe). Between the order in which they cut, and their attiude, I found myself doing a happy dance after seeing John take the walk of shame.
You do have to give Burnett credit for editing though. When Sean made his comments at the vote about ‘when you go to Vegas, always bet on black’, I had no idea if he really knew if he was safe or just talking out his butt. In hindsight, it seems it was very clear he knew he was covered.

I predict Zoe next, followed by Tammi, then general. Paschal may not like Sean, but he has a much better shot at the dough going that route than switching to the evil alliance.

As for a Survivor of the stars, I’d like to see on the island:
BB, Mitchell, the mall rats, and Jeri on it. Then I’d like to see chemical and/or nuclear weapons dropped on that location.

Holy cow! Zoe voted for John? I gotta know what the story is behind THAT vote. If that was worked out in advance with Neleh and Paschal, that means Sean is still toast sooner or later. (Oh please oh please oh please.) If it was just a last-second, wrinting-on-the-wall attempt at saving her own neck, I don’t think it will do any good.

This is far and away the most unpredictable Survivor yet. No more ABT for me. I now fully believe Libertarian’s point that they’re getting some sort of preview video the afternoon before the show.

Hey, anyone else hear of the “backwards clues” Neleh wins theory?

ABT got last night’s reward challenge wrong.

I guess last night’s immunity challenge was a testament to inflexibility on behalf of the big 4. Remember, they did not know what the challenge would be before hand. When they saw it, they gleefully went with their emotions and transparently targeted their intended foes, with absolutely no thought an the impression they were making or the possible implications.

What is this theory you speak of?

With regards to ABT, I was just spoiler-whoring over at the TelevisionWithoutPity Survivor forum, and the take over there is that one member of the ABT is a TV critic who gets a preview copy of the episode on Wednesday. The episode shows everything except the outcomes of the challenges and the entire tribal council. From this information, they make their picks.

This might make sense. They’ve been hit-and-miss on predicting the challenges. And MB seems to employ some crafty editing to make the challenges (especially the team ones) appear a lot closer than they actually were.

And as far as the bootee goes, if I saw last night’s episode without the TC, I might have guessed big John (big bad John) was being sent packing. Right before the long walk, they showed Nele(a)h talking about not being played for the fool.

And you can take that to the bank! :smiley:

I loved that part. Awesome episode.

But c’mon - we were manipulated to think:
the immunity challenge was the thing
to change the conscience of BLING BLING.

::The Bard rolls in grave::

Unless the Gang of Four had been completely undetectable up to that time, the other five castaways’ choice should have been clear. But damn if I wasn’t fooled.

And I literally fell off the couch laughing at John, once Caesar, he bestrode the narrow island like a colossus, now shrinking violet, whimpering camera fucker. I shouldn’t drink so much; I would fall less. Next I got to watch the Blackhawks win. How could I be down?

But now if Zoe and Robert aren’t in the final 4, I lose a bet. I gotta keep on believing one of them could survive this upheaval.

Why y’all hatin’ Sean? He’s the best commentary they got. “Chicken and waffles” “Checkmate, brah” “Johnny Cockring”
People! That’s gold, baby, GOLD!

Yep, it’s a whole new game now. (cue evil laughter)

Great episode. John crying to his mommy was priceless.

Neleh impresses me again. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wins it all.

I don’t see the emergency voting bloc lasting. At least I hope not, because I like Tammy and Robert. (Zoe scares me.)

The immunity challenge was unique for Survivor, in that there was no connection between doing well in the challenge, and getting immunity. It was actually an anti-immunity challenge: the winner gets to decide who doesn’t get immunity. Sean, for instance–got the first two questions right, and lost two bunches of coconuts for his trouble. That just doesn’t seem fair.

Someone please explain the Zoe vote for John. What did I miss there?

Who was “BB”?

The second or third person voted out on the original Survivor. Old-man. Real-estate developer. Take-charge attitude. Jerk. Like Rudy without the charm.

You missed about as much as we did. I saw on last night’s wrap-up on that John was voted out 6-3, so I checked the tribal council page and found that Zoe voted him out. As to why…none of us know. My money’s on the fact that she saw which way the vote was going to go after the immunity challenge, and threw her lot in with Paschal/Neleh.

Don’t forget that BB also washed his clothes in the tribal cooking pot. GREAT way to win friends.

Remember that Zoe and Kathy were pretty tight prior to the switch. Kathy may have asked Zoe to vote for John because Paschal and Neleh were on the fence about who to vote for. It was risky for Zoe but it paid off. May have been that after the coconut challenge she knew that John was gone b/c they succeeded in alienating P/N.

I also agree that the challenge sucked in that doing well didn’t get you anything. It was like a reverse popularity contest. Can’t believe the JohnAlliance didn’t realize that it was a stupid idea to alienate Pashal and Neleh.

Well, by the end of that show, I was happy to see smug John march the long march. After his treatment of Sean, I’m starting to root for the underdog a little bit. Comments re: Jonny Cochran notwithstanding. (Interesting about the possible Kathy/Zoe connection – maybe we’ll end up with all paired alliances: Kathy/Zoe, V/Sean, Nelleh/Paschal, Rob/Tammy).

Yes, indeed. It’s a game again!

I forgot Minty’s Bonus. I’d like to see: Rich, Tina, Ethan, Gervase, Silas, Clarence, Sue (Hawk), Rob (Mariano), Big Tom, Brandon, Kim (Powers), Colby, Teresa, Amber, Sean (whether he wins this one or not) and Hunter because he was robbed.

And banned for life would be Gabriel Cade.