Survivor 46 - open spoilers

Bhanu prayed for a miracle, so god zapped Branden. Harsh, dude. :slight_smile:

I was very skeptical about Tiffany turning in Kenzie, but… I kinda wish we’d got to find out. That would have been fun.

I bet the Survivor producers are absolutely thrilled they won’t have to have two teams sitting out THREE people each in the next challenge. What if that planned obstacle course (don’t they always seem to involve obstacle courses lately?) planned involves a step where it simply requires four players to manhandle something over something, like that giant Gecko? How fun would it be to watch all three teams flail around in the water in vain for an hour or two…

What has gone so wrong these past two seasons? I mean, I assume they WANT their three teams to be roughly equal in strength/skill/athleticism, and yet we get the “one team is utterly hopeless” and we spend some episodes watching that one team implode while we barely learn anything about the other two team’s players because they’re not having to interact under any stress or worry.

I have to assume that when they’re planning the challenges, they know that one team could get wiped out and figure out the bare minimum required to do it.

Word. It’s frustrating not getting to know the rest of the players.

Have… have NONE of these people seen Survivor before?
“but I can’t POSSIBLY Liiieiieieiiiee to my team! I don’t lie!”
Dude. Wake the heck up. You’re in a GAME about lying and deceit. You’re there to win a million dollars, not the million-hearts title. You’re just a dumbass.

Again, I really liked the challenges. Quite inventive - and the solution to PULL the weaker players over that rolly-log was great.

That bone-thin woman isn’t worth her negligible weight in salt.

Me wife suggested grabbing each others legs and following through as a chain, just before Nami did just that.

Total waste of a spot on the game. What in the ELF were thinking selecting him. Out of the thousands of candidates… I love when he approached the woman at the water hole asked her to “work” with him. She asked, what’s your pitch? His response: “I don’t have one”. Dude, fuckin’ make something up! Tell her she’s targeted and you will save her. Just play the damn game!
I’d love to see his application tape.

Agree. She’ll either go deep or go soon.

The show needs people who are bad at the game. Throwing a bunch of super strategic metagamers is boring. You need your Coaches and your Phillips and your Debbies.

Strongly disagree. That’s where all of the blindsides are born - and blindsides are not boring.

Watching someone get voted out who everyone agrees is getting voted out, is boring. They can’t even edit in drama with these people.

I wonder if Bhanu could’ve pulled it off if he’d come back from the journey saying “Yep, we had a contest and I won an immunity idol. I am safe tonight, thank you very much. No, can’t show it to you for… reasons.”

He’d have to be a very convincing liar and of course, that is not his strong suit.

I bet he could have because everyone knows he’s a bad liar. But, as he himself professed, “ I can’t lie to my tribe” so it’s a non-starter.

And Tarzan. :slight_smile:

Yeah, they were just being mean.

That could be, or maybe that team just are losers. I mean, look at the purple tribe, totally dysfunctional. I dislike them all except Bhanu.

We havent seen much of the other tribes- Moriah plays D&D - yay!

Jelenski just blew it. Sure the Sweat challenge wasnt his fault totally. But the “I can not tell a lie” crap? Okay, maybe admit you’re not so good at telling lies, but never admit you’re a quitter. And yeah, in the arch challenge he would have been handy… assuming he didnt just give up. But he did Okay their first challenge.

Does it though? They no longer have to boil water and they aren’t given rice (so I read), so yeah, they might not have a fun fire to gather around but is that really a huge disadvantage?

And anyway, many, many teams in the past have started fire without flint. If they were go getters (and not losers) maybe they could have fire anyway,

Ugh… make it stop.

Man, I am sooooo glad Bhannu is gone. The whiplash emotion shifts, the dramatics, the constant begging for help/support. The performative praying aloud in English just ‘coincidentally’ close enough to teammates to overhear, the yelling at god for the stupid mistakes he made! The dramatic “I’ll just go eat worms” when a teammate finally snapped after having him begging for help over and over…

I think he was one of the least likeable players they’ve ever had.

Amen to that! My wife kept saying what a sweet man he was but I’m not seeing it. Of course, in real life, he may be a wonderful person to be around. But as portrayed on Survivor, he was just awful. He blamed everyone, up to and including God, for his plight. He took no ownership whatsoever in his own game. Then, telling his rags-to-riches story was, IMHO, more pathetic than inspiring. “You too can become a whiny man-child if you just work at it.” Puh-leeze.

I accidently opened this thread without having seen the latest episode.

My disappointment at being spoilered pales in comparison to my joy in knowing that Bhannu is history.

Can’t wait to watch it.


“I’m not dumb!”
Yes, Banu, yes you are. You’re a complete idiot when it comes to playing survivor, and dealing with people who deeply want a million dollars.

“I’m a survivor superfan!”.
No, no you aren’t. If you were, you’d know LYING IS PART OF THE GAME. Dumbass.

“Here’s my pitiful backstory!”
Don’t care. Your life sucked, I’m proud you were able to overcome it. But it doesn’t affect your Survivor skills, which is the only thing I care about. (To be fair, I also didn’t care about going-fishing-with-my-dad guy, either. I just truly don’t care about anybody’s backstories.)

“Yes, Jeff, we’re voting him out” And they stuck to it. Nice. He will not be missed.

Next episode will suck, unless there’s a merge-ish action. The other tribes will have to sit out half their teams to play.