Survivor 46 - open spoilers

Oh Lordy! What a first episode.

There is potential there, we saw a peek of it, but the showcase of tonight was cluelessness.

At least it had me cheering from couch for their collective resolve.

And I’m already tired of Elsbeth, ha ha.

Yeah, I am not sure exactly what that is, but I want her off my screen.

The vote was no surprise. The gal with the idol has her head firmly in the game and has no fucks left to give. In fact, she didn’t even bring any with her. I like it.

I can’t recall another opening episode where I don’t care about any of the people, and I actively dislike so many of them.

Nobody was pleasant, nobody was likable, and those that quit the challenges should be voted off post-haste. Its frickin’ Survivor, you dolts! You do the challenges! Nowhere in the rules did it say you couldn’t find something to clog the holes in the bucket.

I love Survivor. Didn’t love any of these people. I’m worried how this season will go.

Yeah, that really bothered me. There was an entire forest worth of trees/bushes/grasses right next to the beach, and it didn’t occur to them to stuff some into the holes???

But then I thought, maybe that was part of the rules. I’m sure there are a lot of rules they are told that don’t make it into the screened version.

I mean, they had HOURS! Dig a trench for the first hour or two, get the water source closer, and fill the bucket quicker! Throw your shirt in the bucket to keep more water in. Put one bucket in the other, and mis-align the holes, so that nothing runs out, and then one player does the ocean-to-halfway, the other does halfway-to-the-barrel.

So very, very many ways to do that more efficiently.

They voted off the quitter, which was the right thing to do. The other guy in the strength challenge was PO’d about quitting the challenge, and I sort of like him. The one I already dislike is the redhead–isn’t she another one of those “influencers”. She certainly influenced my dislike of her. Otherwise the episode was fine. I sort of like the guy from India and the actor.

I like the Indian guy as well, but he will overanalyze everything and that will bring him down. If there is an Indian version of ‘Monk’ he would have the lead role. He may make the merge, but won’t last much longer than that.

Yes, it was. What a loser he was. And, typically, he mentioned he would be able to run the game. It was especially poignant at tribal, while going on about he never quits and Jeff pushed back, he even quit defending that stance. Quitting on top of quitting.

I liked the fact that even being PO’d, he didn’t throw Jelinsky under the bus at tribal - class.

The one with the twin sister seemed fine on both counts.

Dude from Mississippi seemed to be ok this far as well, as far as not having the villain vibe.

Oh, and I am already done with the word ‘vibe’. Please make it stop.

The journey game seemed really stupid and pointless to me. For the two non-torch card holders, is the only strategy just to lie over and over again? To repeat “I swear on my mother’s grave I am holding the vote card” until everyone gets tired and folds? It’s not like you can convince the torch card holder using a well-crafted argument.

I wondered–and suspected it would be disallowed–if they could just say “Look, here’s the card I’m holding” and show it. They said the Vote holder had to be convinced. I think that’s convincing.

My wife had the same idea about nesting the buckets. Then they could have taken turns doing five or ten runs while the other rested. I don’t know if that, or trying to plug the holes, was explicitly forbidden or whether they just weren’t thinking about alternative solutions, but I know that giving up should not have been an option.

And Jelinsky totally booted the card game, even if it was a kinda dumb game. Losing the immunity challenge wasn’t entirely his fault, as the tribe was pretty far behind before they even got to the puzzle, but still, that was strike three.

The funniest part was his final comment that he was “blindsided.” Dude, you are clueless. I kind of wanted to like the guy, but come on.

Kinda interesting first episode, but I’m already struggling to remember folks I liked. The football player, one of the “nerdy outcast” girls (but not the other one), the woman that found the idol, the two guys that failed at the savvy puzzle. I think I like Bhanu, but he’s probably too emotionally invested to play a good game. I’m reserving judgment about the Parvati-light woman. I’m not crazy about 2 hours - makes it hard to watch in one go, especially since we watch with my kids now.

Jelinsky was definitely a legend. It’s hard to have quite so little self-awareness to say “I never quit” after literally having quit twice. And then to call it a blindside. Good riddance.

I had the immediate thought of putting the two buckets inside each other and taking turns running. I can only assume it was allowed, because as shown the challenge certainly seemed impossible. They had almost no water in the urns after what they claimed was over an hour of work.

The card game was really stupid, and Jalinsky wasn’t wrong to just fess up to perhaps save some good karma for the merge. The person with the Torch (can’t remember her name) played it perfectly - threaten to punish the liar. Where Jalinsky went wrong was in telling his tribe he quit. Just say you lost, man. I probably would have even left out the “lost my vote” part - no need to make it so clear that you aren’t part of the decision-making process.

When I was a little kid, I thought several meant seven. I was under 8 years old, though, and my Dad corrected me.

I do think the bucket puzzle would be doable with plugging the bucket, but did we find out if rules said they could not?

I think if I were in one of those competitions and knew it was hopeless, I would say to my partner, “I don’t think we can do this. I need a 20 minute break, but I want to look good on TV, so let’s make an effort until the end.”

Even 20 minutes, which is a long time, is reasonable instead of just fully quitting.

In this interview with David (Jelinsky) he says they were not allowed to use their shirts and they “had to use their fingers to plug the holes”. So I take that to mean there were at least some rules about what was allowed. The interview actually makes him come off a bit better with some of his choices.

I recorded it on my DVR so I was able to zoom through commercials. It still took me at least 2 hours to watch. I couldn’t get into it. I’d pause it and do something around the house, come back and watch a little more. No one was likeable, except for the Indian guy and the blonde guy. Most of them seemed childish and kind of stupid. Hopefully the next episode grabs me a little more.

Thanks. They edit people with a varying level of fairness. It’s possibly he was edited to be worse than he was. I miss Jeff’s Twitter usage where he tweeted details about the show. I guess he does a podcast now instead.

I’d be curious just to read the task card for this task or hear what producers told them were the rules.

I was chuckling when one of the contestants was attempting to hoist the gecko over the barrier by pulling straight down on its head while its neck was on the wall.

“That’s not going to get it over!” I shouted in my brain. Then Jeff shouted the same thing to the player.

As for Jelinsky, good riddance to him and his extremely annoying voice.

BTW, who named Soda “Soda”?

Her Pop?


George Costanza suggested the name “Soda” to one of Susan’s friends.