Survivor Premiere 9/19

So? Thoughts? C’mon, folks… I have no one else to talk about this with!

Yeah. Robb’s a major ass-nozzle.

I knew for sure that the male/female split wasn’t going to happen, since it’s all they kept harping on during the promo spots. I think that the older lady blew it when they chose teams, she should have at least tried to keep it equal physically instead of doing the noble thing and choosing the older people. I laughed when boobiegirl got chosen last.

And typically, I can’t believe that the first losing team was stupid enough to vote out their strongest player. There must have been a ton of stuff going on that they edited out, because I couldn’t see any reason for it.

All in all…eh. I’ll keep watching and see where it goes, but I wasn’t thrilled with the outset.

What’s the point in keeping Ghandia? She’s not fit physically and apparently she isn’t a mental giant either. So the Pastor told a joke at the wrong time…so what?

I too wasn’t all the impressed but hey, I’m hooked on that dang show! I’d probably watch it even if it was “Survivor: Tugbussle, Ten.”

Robb is a moron. Who brings a skateboard to the beach? And I would definitely put my money on the Asian woman if push comes to shove. As for Jed—well, let’s just say that my apartment felt a bit warm this evening. I really, really, really hope he doesn’t get booted anytime soon . . .

I didn’t watch (to be honest, I may never watch), but I’m curious. What was the big surprise they kept pitching? I could tell it had something to do with how the tribes were divided, but what was it?

Saltire, the promos were trying to get people to believe that the teams would be split between men/women, but it was just a ploy. The real “twist” was that instead of having pre-arranged tribes (chosen beforehand by the producers of the show, usually deliberately putting conflicting personalities together for audience interest), they picked the two eldest players and made them choose teams.

I wasn’t wild about this method. It seemed juvenile.

Don’t even get me started on what a MAJOR letdown the “BIG SURPRISE” was!

The two oldest people had to handpick their tribes - each alternating between male and female.


And if Robb called one more person “man,” or Shii Ann “sweetie” one more time, I was going to go nuts. I have a serious dislike for him already. I hope his labret piercing gets infected.

Erin - they’re too big. I bet they were fine before.

Brian - sometimes porn stars just look like porn stars. And what’s with the lovey talk at tribal council?

Ghandia - you need some support. And I don’t mean from other players.

Jan - nice pickin job. The other team only has one player over 30. And did we miss some major stuff or what? Why was she balling with the pastor dude got the axe?

Jed - please put your shirt on, lest I have to make my wife stop watching this show. At least Ethan was 1,000 miles away and a different religion. (we live in the Dallas area, as does Jed)

Ken - I know it isn’t your fault that CBS will be playing up the whole NYC cop thing, but still - on this show you’re just another yahoo for us to point and laugh at. Now, entertain me, you knave!

Rob - thanks for fulfilling this season’s bartender quota. Now stuff a sock in it. That’s about the only thing you’ll have to eat shelter-boy.

Shii Ann - She wasn’t bad in this episode, but in her preview video she looks like the most duplicitous person in the world. So in advance, shut up “Shii devil”.

From what little I heard from John, I didn’t like. He made comments that Ghandia wasn’t physically fit and obviously wasn’t very smart either. Not very christian of you, brother. Some very smart people suck at puzzles. Some very smart people don’t perform well under pressure. How about giving her the benefit of the doubt, pastor?

After one episode, there are certain people you look at and just know that they have no chance of winning.

Jan - Cry in the 1st confessional about the 1st activity on the island. Supplement that with crying at the first vote. Too emotionally active. She will either get on people’s nerves or burn out.

Robb - Well duh. Untrained monkeys could figure out this yokel is a dead man walking.

Ghandia - She may have abilities that we just don’t see, but she is a physical liability. She would seem to need to supplement that with mental acuity, but she got flustered and failed. Not a good sign for her.


If you’re in a boat, make sure that everyone paddles at the same time!. Also, hold the damn paddles right! Your top hand should grip the very top of the paddle- that’s why they have a little handle there. DO NOT hold in lower on the shaft. Hold the bottom hand as low on the paddle as possible without getting your hands in the water. This way, you get the maximum amount of torque from your paddle with the minimum amount of energy expended.

That is all.

rastahomie, who spent a summer guiding whitewater rafts.

You forgot one other important rule: Always make sure the pointy end of the boat is the one in front.

Just a few thoughts: Robb obviously has spent most of his life in jobs that hire for looks. He’ll be out the first time there’s a challenge more intellectual than tic-tac-toe. Nancy (if I have the name right) is probably the next to go from her tribe. She either decided not to join with the others in voting against John or wasn’t asked; either is a bad sign on her own survival. Shii Ann may not show us her ta-ta’s but her ass was looking good in that bikini.

(I’m getting messages telling me the website isn’t responding when I submit this. Hopefully it won’t end up sending multiple copies.)

Ken- I like the little I saw of him, I think he’ll be around for a while.

Clay- On one hane he was smart by picking all of the athletic people for his tribe, but on the other hand, he might be seen as the most vulnerable when it’s time to vote someone out.

Brian- He’s awfully nice to look at. I think he was pissed off with his tribe, but I think he’ll be around for a while too.

Erin- All boobs, no brain

Ghandia- She doesn’t do well under stress, but at least she can get along with everyone.

Helen- There is something about her that I don’t like, but I’m not sure what.

Jake- He seems OK, I like him, but he may be seen as a leader and voted out soon.

Jed- Also nice to look at, but he seems very annoying, I really hope he’s out soon.

Jan- She may not be so stupid, if she only picked strong young people, she could be the first one out.

John- He didn’t seem all that nice, I’m glad he’s gone. He also sounded bitter.

Penny- Haven’t seen much of her yet.

Robb- I love this guy, he is stupid, but at least he’s fun to watch.

Shii Ann- I think she’ll be the resident bitch.

Stephanie- I love this one too, she’s very confidant and I hope she goes far.

Tanya- Haven’t seen much of her yet either.

Ted- He seems likeable and he’s strong, I think he’ll go far too.

I thought the chosing teams was good, but it wasn’t as exciting at it was hyped to be. The contestants seem like they will be interesting to watch. I think I’m gonna like this one a lot. Really coo immunity idol too.

Rob- you can shut up now.

After last year’s “run of the religious” to the finals our smug judgmental pastor was on thin grounds anyway. Add in his grating personality and severe case of “know-it-all-ism” and he was a going in the first three for sure.

I was surpised that they didn’t cut the most out of shape, least valuable member first though. Team moron better get used to those comfortable seats at tribal council after voting out on of their stronger members.

Ghandia’s crying fit- nice :rolleyes:.

Jan- wtf are you doing, you cried 50% of the entire episode.

Again, lush production values and good pacing for the show. They have good directors and editors.

I found the “dodgeball” picking strategy interesting- hey at least its different. New contests too!

I am hooked, again.

Pick em contest for those who want show off their skills:

Group: 6132
password: sdmb

This would have gone up earlier, but you know what happened :frowning:

Man, I love this show.
Don’t have all the names down yet, so I won’t attempt to run through them all.
But how did the orange tribe pick who did the various parts of that challenge? Were there any restrictions we were not shown? Why not have the navy swim instructor do the underwater part? And did Ghandia actually say, “I rule at this kind of puzzle!”?
Can you believe how in the player intros at the beginning of the show, they show the one girl’s boobs before shifting up to her face? Ha!
I really wonder how hard it would be for a group to sit down for a few minutes and say, we need shelter, water, and food. Who wants to do which? And then just go with whatever each person wanted to do?
Were the orange folk gonna eat those crabs and mussels raw?
The big black guy had a really pleasant attitude. And that VOICE!
I’ll have to look over the rosters again before making any predictions. Like I said, I don’t remember all of their names, and everyone on each tribe.
Granny Clampett is going soon, as is the mayor of munchkin land.

Just a preliminary…I have decided to do recaps for this one, too, but haven’t rewatched my tape yet (and with two (and rapidly advancing to 3) eps of Big Brother to watch yet, it may be a little bit).

First of all, I’ve officially decided to think of Sook Jai as “The Young & The Brainless”. The only people in that tribe with any sense at all are Shii Ann and Jed. Hell, Robb would drop the average intelligence level to negative numbers even if the rest of them were certifiable MENSA candidates.

Voting out John was really kinda dumb. Although I can see where he was sort of grating. At least their reasons for voting for him were theoretically better than Helen’s vote for Clay because he was “better off” than the rest of them. Thank you, Vladimir Ilyich Swiminstructorova.

Is Jeff Probst actually alive or are they just audioanimatronically marionetting his stuffed corpse through the motions? Were there actually people who thought he was good-looking at one time or am I just having delusional fever-dreams?


JayJay watched it!!!

And is gonna do re-caps!!!
