Survivor All Stars 2/12

I’m too big a pussy to ask him for an explanation.

We reacted completely differently to this btw. I was foaming at the mouth in a lashing tirade (I know, it’s only a game) while he was lapping up the orchestra swell. Of course, he gave me a disapproving aren’t you ashamed of yourself now? look while reading the epilogue, and I was chagrined for a moment…just for a moment.

…and I just realized I used two words in my post above which will probably put this thread in the top ten google searches for porn.

“Pussy,” “foaming,” and “lapping” are three words.


The season in Marquesas where Vecepia won was the low point of Survivor for me. Two people who did nothing but stay under the radar went to the final two. After that totally horrible ending, I wasn’t looking forward to any more Survivor. If she had been invited back, I’d have probably been hating the show until she was voted off. I really can’t think of anyone who deserved to win Survivor less than she did.

This doesn’t even bring in the fact of the reunion show for that season where Rosie O’Donnel stood on stage pointing at her crotch. Was worse TV ever made? While Thailand was ok but I loved Panama. From start to finish, it was a good time.

OK, here’s a 2/5/04 article that includes a quote from Vecepia saying she’s disapointed she didn’t make the cut to be on All-Stars:,1413,88~10975~1936835,00.html

Ran across another article with a quote from Brian that makes it seem that he didn’t want to do All-Stars. I’d assume that many of the former contestants are now putting that spin on it, regardless. That whole “I didn’t want to come to your stinky party anyway” kind of thing to save face.

OK, enough.

Well, of course. Sour grapes and all that. :rolleyes:
Sore losers.

I wish Michael Skupin came back. I think he should have gotten another chance, after getting hurt. And Gretchen from the first season.
I’m completely drawing a blank on “New York Ken Stafford” that Chastain86 mentioned. WHo was he?

Ken Stafford, 30 year-old NYPD officer and contestant on Survivor: Thailand.

I guess we’ll never know, but my understanding is that Ken was selected to be an alternate on the show, should one of the men be unable to fulfill their contestantly duties. It’s a long-standing tradition to keep alternates on hand should people not be able to play. In fact, that’s how we ended up with Tina Wesson on Survivor: The Australian Outback. The woman who was supposed to play could not; hence, Tina enters, and wins.

Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder who the female alternate was (is.) I can’t imagine she would be put in now, but if Jenna M. had decided not to participate, she likely would have been replaced by said alt. Wonder who missed out on their chance to play.

I think it was Sandra.

From this week’s EW (funny enough, with Richard, Colby, and JENNA! on the cover):

“All-Stars’ first bootee, Australia champ Tina Wesson, received $25,000 for her three day stay-- 10 times more than what the first castoff usually pockets.”**

Don’t want to ignore the Jenna situation – just everybody has already said everything I would.

How about drunk-ass Amber wanting to make out with Rob to the point of actually being the agressor? And what was the deal with Alicia? looked like she wouldn’t mind a peice O’BostonRob either. I don’t get what Sue is doing … it seems more inscrutable to me than Richard’s strategy did (until now I see he IS playing).

Where are the wise-ass Rob interviews – he is a funny, cruel & sarcastic man that is why he is on ASS – not to watch him flop around in the woods.

Just to mention a few non-Jenna related items…

I thought the reward challenge was unsually interesting, though it did mark a new low for sponsor placement. I mean, “You can do it. We can help,” was in the freaking instructions. Bleh. Still, it was HUGELY biased toward Rob and his team - I mean, this is what he does for a living! He would have felt really stupid if they’d lost…

Also, at the start, the powers that be were making a fairly big deal about how these Survivors were given fewer supplies than any other group, but so far, they’ve already been given a box full of rice (which, granted, they can’t get to yet), and a huge crate filled with tools and construction supplies. They’ve all made themselves nice little shelters, and presumably they’ve been allowed to keep all the tools and stuff, which will continue to make life easier for them. Relatively soft life, if you ask me.

Finally, people have mentioned the challenge that wasn’t done, but from what I saw on the preview at the end, it looks like they’re going to do that challenge next week. There were shots of people stumbling around with those big block thingys that were at the aborted challenge.

Help me out. Why was Vee so awful that she wasn’t invited? Certainly obnoxiousness isn’t a reason, since most of the players fit that bill. I remember her being quiet and deeply religious, that’s it. What’s so bad about her?

I’m sick of people whining about the under-the-radar winners. They don’t make for “good” television…except for at the end when they shock the hell out of everyone! I feel like the blame should go to the editing for that, not them. Also, if the other players are too stupid not to root out the “under the radar” types, then they deserve to win.

I do not share Vee’s religious convictions, but I would have liked to see her go at it again. If only because this game is a totally different ball of wax.

Oh, and I am sick of the male chauvinism displayed by Tom. A woman can give suggestions without being bossy. A woman can take on the leadership role without being bitchy. I can’t stand that sloppy country-bumpkin. I hope Alicia and Sue (who looks hard and ugly) take his ass down.

What’s your favorite memory of her on the show? Really? Yeah I know, I can’t think of one either. She was a bore, plain and simple. :wink:

It wasn’t a woman giving him instructions, it was Sue Hawk. :smiley:

Isn’t it what Rupert also used to do for a living?

He said he was a rehabber for 20-some years.
Did they take away the tools, or do the Survivors still have them? They could continue to work on their huts, and really come up with some nice abodes this time.

And yes, Drunk Amber throwing herself at Boston Rob was just nauseating. And Alicia laying right there as if they were going to make it a threesome? He had an arm around each of them. Ick, ick, ick.

And Chauvanistic Tom is seriously annoying.

He said he was a rehabber for 20-some years.
Did they take away the tools, or do the Survivors still have them? They could continue to work on their huts, and really come up with some nice abodes this time.

And yes, Drunk Amber throwing herself at Boston Rob was just nauseating. And Alicia laying right there as if they were going to make it a threesome? He had an arm around each of them. Ick, ick, ick.

And Chauvanistic Tom is seriously annoying.

No kidding! A dumb-waiter for the upper level? Damn, girl! I love her, but that was pretty bizarre. And then complaining afterwards that no one was listening to her. Sweetie, no one was listening to you because your ideas were stupid.

As for Rupert, even if a log cabin is the way to go on a tropical beach (which it obviously isn’t), how did he think the four of them could build one in a day?

It sure seems that Burnett & Co. are trying to give us an object lesson in the power of selective editing. People I used to like are coming across as total idiots, and people I used to hate (Boston Rob and Jerri in particular) are looking pretty good.

Richard is still The Man though. That shark battle was awesome.

I had heard the rumors that Jenn’a mother died during the filming of the show. When Jenna started talking about how she was worried about her mother and Jeff was asking her how she knew about her mother’s current state, I was getting the horrible suspicion that Jeff was going to tell her, “well, Jenna, you might as well stay. Your mother died three days ago.”

I like Rupert. I was unhappy to see him screw up as big as he did with the shelter challenge. And he did screw up big time; when he gets voted off, this will be the deciding factor.

I still think Richard is playing poorly. It’s one thing to think you’re above it all; it’s another to let everyone know you think that (and it appears he’s doing little to hide it). He talks about how the only important thing going is to win the votes, but he’s apparently doing nothing to win them.

I hate to say it, but Boston Rob is playing well. He’s a complete asshat himself, but he has a gift for seeing everyone else’s weaknesses.