Survivor: Gabon 10/9 - "It Was Like Christmas Morning!" [SPOILERS LIKELY]

I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed Ace’s fake accent. Anybody got any ideas why he’d want to fake a British accent?

Some women (and some men) will stand in line to date/make out/ have sex with a man with an accent. I know people coughsupervenusfreakcough whose knees turn to jelly when they speak to a relatively attractive man with a British/German/Spanish accent (and I’m sure the reverse is also true).

And, more often than not, these slackers form an alliance and start picking off the strong players so they can bluff their way to the merge and latch onto other strong players.

I really thought Crystal would turn and vote Kelli out. And her quote was a bit mystifying–“It’s probably smarter to keep you, but this is what it is.” :confused:

So, you finally get some strong tribemates that can help you win challenges, and you start voting them out? I always thought that you didn’t start getting rid of the strong ones until after the merge!

So far, this is probably my least favorite group of contestants ever. The only ones I even remotely like are Ace (despite the fakey accent), Sugar and Marcus.

At TC, I truly expected Jeff to say something ultra-snarky after Fang voted Jacquie out–it seemed to me that he was just speechless, bordering on disgusted. Anyone else pick up on that?

Jeff ALWAYS seems disgusted with contestants at tribal council. But rarely speechless.