Sweden do-nothing approach good, US/UK/other countries' early do-nothing approach bad. Why?

…New Zealand closed their schools during Level 4 lockdown back in March. If we ever go back into Level 4 (which doesn’t look likely) we would close the schools again.

Did New Zealand get it wrong, and would it be wrong to close down again if we hit Level 4 again?

The UK have just closed schools again. Covid is wildly out of control over there. Were they wrong? Should they open the schools?

Sweden have closed some schools for the first time due to the pandemic. Are they wrong? Should they reopen?

The New Zealand experience showed that the best way to stop children being out of school for an extended period of time (and suffering from it) was to close almost everything down for a non-extended period of time to break the chains of transmission. Was that, in your opinion, the wrong thing to do? Did we get it wrong?