Swedish telly, you have camel pubes stuck in your teeth!

Yeah, right there. It’s because you suck camel cock, in case you were wondering.

[This post contains various spoilers for TV shows that first aired in the Mesozoic Era]

Fuck you you cluster of rancid boils, you veritable carbuncle of putrid puss, you mouldy auld dogshite on the lawn of my television. The amount of fucking spoilage on your channels is so extreme that I am surprised my telly hasn’t swollen up like a tin of surströmming and exploded all over the sitting room.

Alias loses a little of its charm when you are told by the continuity-muppet (before the first episode started, and on a regular basis throughout the series) that Sidneys mammy isn’t dead at all sure, and won’t she be turning up in the second series. Yeah, I know Lena Olin is a swede. Yeah I know it’s fucking groovy that she is in this big american show. Is it less fucking groovy or less of an achievment if we find that out by ourselves at the time the writes thought most effective?

ER is on tonite. I already know what is going to happen, becuase they showed the whole fucking episode in the “teaser” preview. I haven’t seen the episode yet, so I can’t say for 100% sure that a helicopter is going to crash into the hospital trashing the ER and landing smack-bang on Romano killing him, but that is sure what it looks like. Just in case I missed that, the continuity muppets said that I should be sure to tune into ER tonite where a helicopter crashes into the ER and onto Dr Romano.

Fuck ya, yiz smelly bollixes. Grow the fuck up and act like proper telly stations ye septic wankstains, cos yis are all as fucking bad! Just shut your fucking holes and show the fucking programs. Let me guess, Soylent Green is people?
On a more pleasant note, kudos to SVT2 who bowed to public pressure and have stopped talking over the live send of the Oscars and only talk on the ad-breaks. Well done on the unabridged broadcast (where we entertainingly enough knew the results 10 secs agead of y’all in the States, cos we got it without the anti-nipple-delay).

This post was brought to you by the Khamel Koch Kafe in Istanbul, Turkey, a constant source of joy and entertainment to me.

A bottle of Gammal Norrlands ought to fix that up real nice.

While I generally agree that the people that polute the airwaves on channel 4 should be sent back to the kindergarten they escaped from, I do think you’re a bit unfair. Some shows turn up later, but I think we’re gonna get all new Sopranos in April, and the new Season starts this week in the US. You think Eire can beat that? Huh? Huh!

Also, some shows are delayed on purpose by the production companies whereas others are bought in big packages and due to regulation, there is a limited amount of airtime to be used for imports.

May I suggest the use of the mute button, taping the show or even get a watch, so you’ll know when to tune in. I only turn on the tv when I know the show is starting, channel five being the best by always starting on the exact right time, something 1-4 always miss, for some reason, apart from the news.

Also, without Swedish tv, you’d never get to experience ‘Rejseholdet’ from Denmark (well, apart from living there of course). I doubt you’d ever catch that in the US or Dublin.

Oh, and BTW, thanks for the spoilage of Alias, which I didn’t know about. :smiley:

IIRC it was TV4 who kept doing all the “on-air chit-chat”, SVT has aired the Oscars for 2-3 years now and they’ve always done this setup.

I am happy to say that I don’t own a TV set. There is nothing for me to get worked up about. I can keep my calm and sip on my beer reading a good book, although I must confess that I have to see the Song Contest this week and next.

Well then you obviously haven’t been watching it, they mention it at least every fifth episode, sometimes before it starts, sometimes as the closing credits roll. I have also seen it in DN tv-guide twice. Dunno about Sopranos but the Irish channels usually air such big-ticket shows as Friends and ER before they air in the UK, which I am guessing is still before Sweden. I wasn’t complaining about the time it takes for shows to come in the OP, but I can now if you like. The fucking Emerdale episode I watched at lunch the other day was the same one I saw when I was home at christmas 2 years ago!!! Speed up the Emerdale delivery you fuckwits!!!

And you were warned about the spoilers.

And for that matter, Sidney herself sussed it last time I watched which was before chrismas.

Ahh, but you did throw in a pot shot about “Mesozoic” era.
No, I haven’t followed it, hence the smiley. I downloaded the first few episodes a year ago, but found the whole thing too contrived.

May I suggest that you get a fast DSL and start downloading, or why not try the new Windows XP Media Center, which looks very promising.

Ah yes, P2P is filled with 0-day Emerdale eps. :smiley:
Mmmm niche warez…

Naw in all fairness Swedish telly isn’t bad at all, but you must understand I am fairly spoiled, being used to not only the great Irish channels but also such delights as BBC and Channel 4. I am however a little surprised that Enterprise hasn’t made it here yet.