Sweet Kitty Needs Foster (Maybe Permanent) Home -- L.A. or K.C. Dopers, Please Help!

My niece, Ariel, is trying to move to L.A. from the Kansas City area in the hopes of finding a job as a nanny. She’ll be staying with Spiny Norman and me until she can find a job, and we’ve spent the last few weeks clearing space and making her room ready for her arrival. The only thing we can’t do is take in her kitty, Sonny.

As much as we love kitties and would love to let him stay with us, our newly adopted kitty, Emma, is terrified of other cats (we actually just found out she’s terrified of her own reflection, thinking it’s another cat, too!). And since we just rescued her from an environment where she was being tormented by other cats, we simply cannot subject her to what would definitely be a traumatic situation for her.

Sonny thought he had a new home with a friend of Ari’s in Lawrence, KS, but on his first day in his new home, he was let outside and left there. Being unfamiliar with the area, he got lost. Ari spent a heartbreaking 2 weeks putting up posters and searching high and low for him until he was finally found and returned to her just a few days ago. The inability to find someone responsible to take him in the K.C. area is delaying her departure to L.A.

If Ari could find a good, loving, responsible home for Sonny in the Kansas City area, she would let him go to a permanent home there. If that can’t be arranged before she has to leave for L.A., she’ll have to bring him with her. In that case, Ari is hoping that her sister, who is also relocating to the Los Angeles area, will get an apartment that will allow pets and be kind enough to take him in so that he’s at least still in the family. But there are no guarantees that that will happen. It’s also possible that if Ari finds work as a live-out nanny, that she may be able to find an apartment that will allow her to keep Sonny.

So we’re hoping either to find him a good home in Kansas City, or to find someone in La La Land who’s flexible about first fostering Sonny for a month or two until the girls get settled. Then, if one of them can take him, they’ll come get him off of whoever’s kind hands he’s been in. If not, he’ll either need to stay with said person or family permanently, or until another permanent home can be found. So if there are any Kansas City or Los Angeles area Dopers who can help, please either post here or email me at shayna61 at yahoo dot com.

Thank you very much!

And of course the obligatory pictures (yes, I know the rules! ;)). . .


Update: Ari left Kansas City yesterday with Sonny in tow – and noplace to put him up when she gets here tonight! So in the meantime, we’re going to have to keep him at my office, but we can’t keep him here indefinitely (probably only through the weekend until my boss gets back next Monday).

She’d be more than happy to let him be permanently adopted to a good home, but if that’s not possible, hopes that someone will at least be able to temporarily foster him until she can make other arrangements.

So if any of you SoCal Dopers can help out, or know someone who might be willing to adopt a sweet and loveable kitty, please let me know. Thank you very much!

I’d send this via e-mail, but I can’t. Mods, please excuse the reference to an outside web site!

Shayna, there are a lot of LJ communities devoted to cats. If you haven’t already, try posting Sonny’s story there. If you get in touch with me off-line, I’ll post his story, links to his pictures, and contact information for you in the two communities I belong to.

[Sonny looks like a big bundle of cuddle, all right, and Emma is lovely. What a fluffy tail she has!]

Thank you very much, Morgyn – that is so sweet of you to offer! And yes, Sonny is indeed a big bundle of cuddle. He spent the night at my office last night and when I came in this morning, not only did he come running when I called his name, but he rolled over on his back, stretched his arms out and started purring. And he not only loves to be petted, but when he saw my hair brush he came right to me and started rubbing his face on it to be brushed. He hasn’t stopped purring since I got here. What a sweetie pie!

The good news is, Ari was able to get in touch with a friend locally who has agreed to foster him until she can find him a permanent home. And I’ve scheduled an appointment for her this afternoon to meet with a woman at my vet’s office who does animal adoption. And though she specializes in working with dogs, she has a ton of resources she’s going to share with Ari so she can get the word out on Sonny.

We set up a special email account just for him at adoptsonny at yahoo dot com, but I’ll drop you an email with that info and a link to his pictures. Thanks again for offering to help!

FYI, I am waiting to be approved as a member of the appropriate community (I forgot I was only watching it before). Haven’t received an e-mail from you, so I used the information in your posts. My post is drafted and only awaits approval.

How’re Sonny & Ari doing?