A long time ago there were TV commercials advertising Sweet Sweat, which apparently you’re supposed to rub yourself down with before working out. Then you would be guaranteed to have a productive, disgustingly sweaty workout. The commercial pitchfolks said “It’s just not a good workout if you don’t break a sweat!”
So my question is, if all other factors are equal, does heavy sweating=a better workout? Isn’t palpable sweating more a function of the prevalent humidity, rather than how well you worked out?
To start with, sweating is one method the body uses to regulate internal temperature. (I know you knew that, but sometimes I have to start with the basics)
Ambient temperature can be a factor by raising body temperature.
Humidity can do two things - first more sweat remains on the skin (or drips off) because the sweat doesn’t evaporate well. Secondly, the sweating mechanism is not as effective (or not effective at all above a certain point) therefore your body doesn’t get cooled down and starts producing even more sweat.
In addition, using your muscles will also raise your internal temperature. This is why we shiver when we’re cold. Sweating can be an indicator that you are getting a good workout, but it is basically a third-level indicator, i.e. you are sweating because you are hot, and you are hot because you are using your muscles. It is not the sweating itself (or even getting hot) that makes for a good workout. Otherwise, all us Texans would be skinny. A product to make you sweat will not improve your workout at all; it may even be counterproductive in that it would dehydrate you sooner. Don’t forget to drink water when you’re working out!