Symbols on the back of batting helmets

Occasionally, on a baseball game on TV, the camera will show the back of the batter’s head, and some small white figures appear on the back of the helmet. What are these? The camera never stays on the batter long enough for me to identify the marks. Do any of the Teeming Millions know? Thanks very much. :slight_smile:

All helmets are different, but the list of symbols are generally a selection the same basic ones.

On every helmet there is the Major League Baseball Logo.

Some teams also place the AL or NL logo.

The Cubs (which I’m currently watching) only have the players number (to make it easy for the player to locate it in the dugout) and the MLB logo.

Other common markings are commemorative or memorial tags for deceased or otherwise notable people related to the team, yet ones not quite worthy of altering the actual uniform to remember. Players frequently place personal markings on their helmets and hats (its the only legal place to do so) for their friends, sick parents or new children. I imagine some helmets have the obligatory legal warning stickers as are seen on the Little League and store bought variety, although most remove them. While some teams may have agreements with manufactures to leave the company label on the helmet as well.

Usually, the small white figures on the back of a batting helmet are the player’s uniform number. This makes the helmet easier to find.