T Minus Nine And Counting...... (1K Post)

Congratulations Zenster!

You are easily one of the most prolific and entertaining posters on the boards, so knock it off, you’re making the rest of us look bad. :wink:

I hope I’m not too late for left-overs. We just got back from a glorious weekend at the beach.

I brought a big cooler full of Northwest micro-brews for everyone to try.
WE’ve got some Full Sail Amber and Golden, Some Black Butte Porter, and a large quantity of Golden Valley beers and ales.
The Porter and Red Thistle Scottish Ale are my particular favorites.
Help youselves!

Can I have one of those hats, Spider Woman?

Oh, and one more thing,<produces a wheel of Jarlesburg Swiss> Where’s the snack table?

Wow! Great spread!

takes a chair and sits down for the long haul

Mate, you shouldn’t have gone to so much effort - we’re supposed to be celebrating for you and bringing you the presents.

But if it makes you happy, I’ll eat, drink and make merry.

If I have to…

        " **

Wow! Zen, you made me hungry, and I have to agree with Daniel, I think I gained weight just reading that list. :eek: Many congrats, and I look forward to many more. So sorry that I wasn’t here for the start of the party, was out of town again.

{{{{{{{{Zenster}}}}}}}} :smiley:
<wanders off to gaze longingly at all the food, vowing to look only, and not indulge (in the food, anyway ;))…sigh…>

Since Zenster couldn’t get around to it, I suppose that I’LL have to bring the Cheeseburger Macaroni. Now, I know that the box says to make it with two cups of water and 1 1/3 cups of milk, but it used to say 3 1/3 cups of water. And I kick my Hamburger Helper old school, know what I’m saying?

I’ll bring Ho-Hos, too.

Happy 1K.

Newbie resurrects dead thread… film at 11.

Chief Scott, do me a favor and target tshirts for resurrecting my 100th post thank you note. I’m not quite sure how this thread bubbled up to the surface (thought you’d like that) but for the record, I deny it completely.

I’ll get you some coordinates as soon as possible.

I’m glad its back, I missed it totally the first time!
Please forgive my late congrats. I adore your posts and hope to see many,mnay more of them. You carry an air of confident class with you and your words.

Wasn’t B.C. the Dr. Suess charactor with all the hats?

I’ll be wine tasting. I want to figure out what good wine is and I have a feeling Zenster already knows.