Can anyone guide me where i can get information on how to freeze petrol and then form crystals of it.
Also has anyone got info on Water to Petrol?
Can anyone guide me where i can get information on how to freeze petrol and then form crystals of it.
Also has anyone got info on Water to Petrol?
welcome to the SD.
Petrol freezes at around -72 F (from ). You will need a very cold fridge. Petrol is not a pure compund so wont form crystals (though some of the components seperately might)
You cannot turn water into petrol (unless you are a magician)
rereading the title, I suspect you are asking either how to solidify petrol or how to make the solid feul tablets you buy for BBQs etc. You might want to clarify your purpose for us
Small camp stoves use a solid fuel, “Esbit” tablet.
Esbit tablets are a solid fuel containing hexamethylenetetramine (also known as hexamine) as stated on the box. They have been manufactured for about fifty years. The fuel is a white, waxy solid shaped into a small rectangular cake. In the form in which Esbit tablets are generally sold in this country, they are blister-packed (in thin clear plastic with a foil backing) in strips of three and are sold in boxes of twelve tablets. The manufacturer offers other configurations of blister pack, which seem not to be imported into the US.
The text on the box states the following (partial list):
* Practically odorless
* Non-toxic formula
* Emits no harmful vapors
* Leaves no ash residue
* Generates 1400° F of heat [760° C]
* 12-15 minutes burn time per cube
* One cube will bring 1 pint of water to a rolling boil in less than 8 minutes
How about jellied gasoline? AKA Napalm. Simple to make, hazardous to do so.
Making napalm just might result in arrest and prison sentence for Making “Explosives!” :rolleyes:
Is napalm made with gasoline? I thought from the name it was made from naphtha. How close to gasoline is naphtha?
Isn’t/wasn’t Naptha also called “white gas”. Same as Coleman fuel?
-Allow organisms to populate the water
-Allow organisms to die, sink to the bottom and be covered by sediment (did I mention you’ll need sediment)
-Allow buried remains to be subjected to immense pressures and high temperatures
-Wait for millions of years until crude oil forms
-Extract crude oil and distil in a fractionating column to separate petroleum.
And for the less time consuming method of turning water into petrol -
Separate the Hydrogen from the oxygen in the water; save hyrdogen in separate bottle for later.
Using a partical accelerator, transmute the oxygen you have into carbon.
While saying hi to Opal!, combine the hydrogen I told you to save in step 1. with the carbon made in step 2. in the proper combonation to create gasonline.
Ship gasoline to the U.K., where they talk funny and call gasoline “petrol.”
Napalm or a very reasonable substitute can be mad.
It is highly recommended that the formula not be published to protect the guilty and innocent alike.
Napalm stands for ‘NAphthenic and PALMitic acids’; it was initially a mixture of the aluminum salts (i.e. soaps) of these acids mixed with gasoline as a gelling agent. It was developed during World War II by a team of chemists headed by Louis Fieser, who also worked on the synthesis of Vitamin K and collaborated on an early report on the link between smoking and lung cancer. (He also invented the mnemonic ‘all altruists gladly make gum in gallon tanks’, which is a way of remembering the structures of a certain class of six-carbon sugars.)
The current version is not made with napthenic and palmitic acids, so it is technically not ‘napalm’. However, the US still has weapons that are similar in composition (i.e. jellied gasoline) to napalm and similar in purpose. Soldiers evidently still call these weapons ‘napalm’, even though they are technically not derived from napthenic and palmitic acids. Incendiary weapons that contain a different form of jellied gasoline has been used in Iraq. (I can’t be certain that the formula given on Wikipedia and other sites is correct.)
About this whole idea of making tablets of gasoline – please note that the energy-storing capacity of gasoline is determined by the number of molecules, which is determined by weight. If you turned a gallon of gasoline into tablets and put it into a car that could get 30 MPG, the car could go 30 miles (probably less because of the extra energy required to convert the solid fuel into a usable vapor).
The purpose is :
What if Gasoline used in cars be converted to Tablets and they dissolve to become liquid again. Dont you think that Petrol stations would be gone.
Under correct pressures and Tempratures iam sure it could be done and imagine if 20Ltrs of Gasoline is compressed into just 1 small tablet to carried in your pocket.
Sorry, but this makes no sense. Gasoline is pure gasoline. Solid, liquid or vapour, it’s 100% gasoline.
See 1)
I know every idea is stupid. It is like when man said that he could make diamonds in a Lab which looks like mined diamonds. But that has been done now.
The concept is nothing new in what iam trying to understand or achieve. Making tablets out of liquid, but there are issues such as volatility of Fuel which under vacumn can be over come.
But the questions remain who can give ideas to me and i could make a machine that could do this and make him my partner in this venture.
In order to dehydrate something, it has to contain water to begin with. Gasoline doesn’t contain water, so there is no solid which you can add water to in order to reformulate as gasoline. There is no way this can work.
If you were to freeze gasoline you’d have a very cold, large chunk of frozen gasoline that you couldn’t easily transport or melt. Liquids are essentially incompressable, so pressure doesn’t enter into it.
You are looking to violate many established physical laws. This is not something likely to be done in a basement workshop.
Exactly. For a long time (ages 3-8) I presumed that gassoline was somehow “dissolved” in water, but it isn’t dissolved in anything. It’s made entirely of hydrocarbons. In fact, even minute amounts of water contamination will lead to serious problems for engines.
However, you are correct that higher “energy density” materials exist, but they aren’t safe, non-toxic, nor things you wish to carry around in your pocket!
It doesn’t necessarily follow that anything we wish for, no matter how ridiculous, will also be possible; I could argue that, since it was once thought impossible to make synthetic diamonds (and now we can), that my lifelong dream to be able to instantaneously grow purple fur and big green horns is just about to become reality. Past success in one field does not guarantee future success in another.
A better question would be: What are you bringing to the table; why would a person who could do this unlikely thing require you as a partner?
Every Idea needs money and I have got that. But looking for something long term.
Without wanting to be unkind, I would recommend seeing a professional financial advisor about investing your money; you seem a little naive to be setting out as a venture capitalist.
In fact, not to labour a point, but there are any number of ‘inventors’ out there purporting to seek capital investment, when in fact they are just looking to fleece people; ‘free energy’ devices are the most common, but now I think about it, I seem, to recall a similar scam involving ‘dehydrated gasolene’.
Financial advisors can only give you returns of max 10-12% in USD terms. Venture capitalism can give you 30-50% returns on your investment.
It is only the way you look at a project and market it.
By the way in Russia i have known someone who could make fuel tablets of Gasoline but Russia??? it is very difficult to get the Technology and besides the Guy i knew died or murdered??
So if any one has ideas please send them here as may be there is money for you.