Take That Offensive Anti-War T-Shirt Out of our Mall!

It’s a word, tafu, here, I’ll use it in a sentence for you.

yme is as idiotic as a dead opposum.


yme likes to make confrontational statements as much as he can.

As a normal human being with one iota of intellect, I will now ignore whatever spews from the black hole of stupidity that is yme.

Got it? :smiley:

Because a generic wish for peace is exactly the same as incitement to murder due to skin colour.

Well, it could be argued that doing nothing at all is pretty peaceful in and off itself. Wearing a t-shirt that says “Peace” certainly isn’t gonna sway any politicians unless 250 million Americans decide to wear one at the same time, I’ll give you that. Then again, shouldn’t the question be: where’s the harm in wearing such a shirt? The mall has a right to remove whomever they want, but their reasoning in this case (or actually, the reasoning of one security guard) is pretty piss-poor. These people were harming no one.

I think that was the point the t-shirts were trying to convey, yes - the bullshit going on in Iraq.

Wow. Just wow. “Peace” is on the same level as “Chinks suck”, or “Murder Blacks”?

I’d say it’s quite the opposite, yme.

Disturbing the peace by promoting peace. The mind boggles. The shirts didn’t even mention Iraq, the US government, or anything in particular. Just “Peace”.

Oh hell, there we go. More pearls for the swine. Submit.

pure drivel.:rolleyes:

Can I use my 3621[sup]st[/sup] post to say that you’re an idiot?
Oh, wait, I already did.

And send me an email so I can remind him of his posts in this thread.


Obviously, I should have used a smiley of some sort to show the use of irony.

Private property, my ass. The mall may be privately owned, but even if it is, when you open it up to the general public, it is a PUBLIC area. Short of being indecent, you can wear enything you want to.

Should I ever see you, yme, post anything that could lead us to think you hold actually hold a belief that we should consider respectable as a position for a human being to posess, I’ll be sure to notify a Mod that you are displaying far too much free thought for your own good and should be censored.


There. Better for y’all?

Update: http://www.msnbc.com/local/WNYT/M276307.asp?0cv=NB10

I guess not a lot happened, but no arrests.

Jeez, yme - look at the big mess you made.

BAD yme! BAD!

Now go upstairs to your room, empty that drool bucket, and don’t come out until you can count past 57.

After that, you got some ‘splainin’ ta do! :eek:

Ok,I know that my rights end where someone else’s nose begins,but I have just as much right to wear a t-shirt that says “Peace” as I do one that says “Blow up Saddam Hussein”. It’s my opinion,and my feelings. As such they cannot be called worthless,and they deserve just as much respect as anyone else’s opinions and feelings. It’s a matter of personal integrity,respect and true understanding of the phrase “Free Speech”. I may not agree with the personal opinion of the individual wearing the t-shirt,but I’m not going to riot over it. I think,that if someone cannot control themselves because they have seen an opinion in print,then they need to go to counseling and learn self discipline. Calling names,and speaking in a threatening manner does not win agreeance Yme,it only shows your emotional immaturity. That’s my opinion,and my feelings… They have just as much weight,and are deserving of just as much respect as yours. I have stated my thoughts,and opinions in a respectful manner,and I expect that when people reply to them they will do the same.

Well spoken Zabali_Clawbane. Welcome to the boards.

I bet the merchant that is selling these shirts is whistling a happy tune today…

Goddam rent-a-cops, these mall security guards NEED to be fired, publicly, and quickly. The REAL police were pretty much stuck, a person was asked to leave private property and refused. The guards don’t need a reason of any kind to kick a person out, technically, but WTF were they thinking?

Ah, so one of the t-shirts DID mention the war in Iraq, and the inspections.

Doesn’t change things one bit, though, but I’m just acknowledging my previous notion that the shirts just said “Peace” was incorrect.

No,here is a link to the story,the t-shirts did not mention war at all,I was just illustrating my point.


Er…I think that Antimanics was only talking about the Straight Dope Forums, and that flames belong on int he Pit, not the other forums. Of course, maybe I was also whooshed. Could be.


Actually, this is a banner day for us in the middle of nowhere.

Something happened in Albany.

Granted, it was just a weak, ineffectual protest sparked by an incidence of collosal dumbassedness, but still…

Something actually happened in Albany.

[sub]Well, Guilderland, technically, but you know what I mean.[/sub]

The shirt that caused the arrest did not mention Iraq. The guy wearing the shirt that mentioned inspections and Iraq took his off.

I hope somebody does some research and finds out that that mall had ‘Peace on Earth’ written on some bit of holiday decoration.