Take That Offensive Anti-War T-Shirt Out of our Mall!

First off, the mall store that made the T-Shirts do not “represent the mall”. Some idiot employee of that store wasn’t thinking clearly when he made the shirts. Motherfuckers talkin’ about peace. They knew what they were doing when had these shirts made. How are you going to practice peace walking through a mall wearing shit like that? Especially with all the bullshit going on in iraq? People are sensitive to this on boths sides. They were practically disturbing the peace in the mall. That’s what go them kicked out. Same reason someone would get kicked for wearing something like “Chinks suck”. They’d get arrested for not leaving too.

yme, you, sir, are a fucking idiot.

You wasted your 56th post on that? Bravo.


Where’d you get this information?

Especially as we’re the ones committing the ‘bullshit’.

yme, you have the thoughtful reasoning powers of a wet stump, and yet … you can count.

My 56th post wasn’t a waste after all. It gave you the chance to show off your uncanny skill with numbers, when everything suggested that you were just an idiot.

Now, can you tell me what post # this one is for me?

Go ahead - give it a go.

Take your time. It’s “within your rights”.

We’ll wait.

I guess this means I can’t wear my “Fire!” shirt to the theatre tonight.

Indeed they were. Private property and all that. Can’t have commerce being interrupted with ideas and thinking now, can we? If we grant the people freedom of speech then the whole mall, nay the whole country, will go to the dogs. Do you think we fought the American Revolution and two world wars just to let people wear whatever they want? Of course not.

yme, you must be joking. Please tell me you were being sarcastic! If not, all I can say is yus.

I am blown away that so many people are willing to have their free speech liberties curtailed. This guy, apparently, engaged a vendor in a mall to make shirts for him and his son. Mall cops found them distasteful, the son agreed to take his off, the father did not, the father was arrested and charged with trespassing. In what world was he causing a disturbance? A generic wish for peace? One has to take the current climate into America into account to understand this incident. Did they confiscate John Lennon’s Greatest Hits from the music stores, too?

Hell, last time I heard, Bush was saying he favored a peaceful solution to the problem in Iraq. I guess he shouldn’t shop at that mall. Are some people so thirsting for war and for blood that they would disagree with their own president?

Fuck them, fuck Crossgates, and fuck anyone who has a problem with the concept of “Give Peace a Chance!”

Yeah I’ll say unbelievable, that’s a neat fuckin trick!

Your right. I’ll be heading to the mills today wearing “Pro Abortion”, “Fuck Catholics”, “Pro war, Kill them fuckers dead”, oh yeah and “Fuck Booka and is 57th post” while i’m at it. What was I thinking.

Yeah, because you never know when some peacenik is liable to up and not be violent to someone. It’s downright un-American!

Thank you, yme, for bringing this to a head and offering up a splendid new dish of thickheaded drivel.

FranticMad and others are right.

While there is a certain point where you can reasonably expect poor taste and judgement in what one wears and says to be particularly disruptive. This is not an expample of that.

Would you say the same if these men had an “Abortion is Murder” bumpersticker on their car and they were not even permitted in the mall lot? That’s certainly something people feel strongly about on both sides.

Freedom of expression - particularly about our own government - is one of the reasons we have the Constitution. Or did that slip by your notice?

The shirt does not mention any peoples, countries, races, faiths, sexes, social classes or anything beyond the wearers’ belief that war is not an action they would like to see happen.

Should I ever see you, yme, post anything that could lead us to think you hold actually hold a belief that we should consider respectable as a position for a human being to posess, I’ll be sure to notify a Mod that you are displaying far too much free thought for your own good and should be censored.

Would it be wrong for a Mall cop to remove someone for wearing, “Legalize Murdering Blacks”? Would someone do it, unlikely, but still, some idiot could. This potential idiot is bound to get his as whooped on.

Now I have the Mods after me. Oh wait, that was just Gargle Cheap. Censor me? That’s one hell of a step for someone who’s “**Freedom of expression - particularly about our own government - is one of the reasons we have the Constitution. **”.

As far as the bumpersticker, I would not say the same. But if the mall wishes to do such a thing, that’s their business. A bad business move yes, but it’s not illegal.


Well, at least nobody has claimed that the First Amendment is going down in flames. So far, so good.

Or actually be violent. The peace movement, ironically, has a history of violence. The recent demonstrations were peaceful, but crowds are dangerous… Yadda, yadda. Just thinking like a mall fascist for a moment.

But, a big fat one, this is [Ricky Ricardo] RIIIIDDDIIICCCCULLLOOOUUUUSSSS!!! Fucking A, the T Shirt sounds like a CHRISTMAS MESSAGE!

Yeah, because “Peace on Earth” is right up there with “Legalize Murdering Blacks”. Why, if someone might have seen those shirts, a full-scale riot may have broken out! Thankfully, the quick-thinking security guards were able to control themselves long enough to arrest this troublemaker before any innocent people were hurt in the carnage.

I mean, it was bad enough when all that “Peace on Earth” shit happened at Christmas. Amazing the place wasn’t burned down and looted when people saw all the stuff bearing that message!

If you look at my other posts, you’ll see seemingly unneeded, excessive verbiage. This is to avoid the FUCKING NITPICKERS.

If it will please you, from now on I will refrain from typing in an intelligible manner.

Perhaps I should have phrased it as “And we have a right to complain about it in any forum we choose, except in private property where we have specifically entered a contract which condones restricting it, and in public places where the authorities have determined that it will be disruptive, but some of the censorship produced thereby is unconstitutional anyhow even if it is permitted.” Happy?

What’s an “as”?