Take the senses challenge.

Pretty pointless and mundane. But mildly entertaining if you have a few minutes to kill.



C’mon! Pineapple and soysauce??

By the way, you didn’t tell us your score, Skybum.

What does 9 out of 20 tell you? :(.

I only got 10/20…we are pathetic

Sorry, I took the challenge a couple of weeks ago, I just shared it tonight because I had stumbled across the link again and thought some of you might find it interesting. I honestly don’t remember what my score was but I do recall that I did extremely well on the visual ones…I would have taken it again but I figured that my score would reflect previous experience.

I didn’t do so well.


Woo-hoo! HeartOfGold, misstee, and I have horrible senses.


I missed all of the taste ones and the sound ones.


A few of those questions were just not fair. Taste is entirely subjective, and I’ve never tasted caviar anyway

I got 7 / 10 and was told I wasn’t good enough to enter the prize draw to win a picture of my own brain.

…was I just insulted?

19/20 ( I took a no-sound version, if that’s cheating.) I also couldn’t enter the prize drawing to have a MRI done of my brain and a framed copy given to me because (A) I don’t live in England and (B) I can’t have an MRI anyhow from the implant… I do, however, have a password to the site’s “enter the drawing” page if anyone wants it. :slight_smile:


14/20. I’m okay with missing several of the ones about physiology.


I got 19/20, missing the caviar question as well. I’ve never tasted it before so I really don’t know. Bacon sounded much yummier anyways ::g::

As for the pineapple one, it’s a simple theory of salty/sweet, I would imagine.

9/20 I missed most of the taste ones also.

I got 9/20, now I feel validated too.

Parmasean cheese always smells like barf to me, thats why I refuse to eat it and now I know whats in it.

10/20. sigh

17/20, taken with sound. Good enough to enter the drawing, if I lived in England.
I had problems with the color/word one, but the size ones at the beginning were simple to get right.

I think I have the worst score yet (possibly ever), 5/20.