I’ve been participating for many years now, and it’s time to take a rest. There are many reasons, of course. I have other things to do. There’s a lot of mud been slung unfairly in my direction recently and I’ve been taking it too seriously and too personally. When it comes to politics, the Dope has stopped fighting ignorance and started to promote it. Dopers seem to feel that democracy is fine as long as the vote goes your way; sorry, but either you respect the results of a free democratic vote or you are a wannabe dictator. As for Trump, the Mods seem happy to permit unfounded accusations and speculation, false quotations, even a death threat. This place should be better than the likes of Free Republic, but isn’t.
So I’m taking a break. I’ll be back after Christmas, if only to get my Death Pool list in.
Actually, Trump lost the popular vote by a margin of 2.8 million votes. He is only President because of the outdated and convoluted Electoral College system, not because of the will of the people.
Ditto. I’ve taken a few weeks off a few times, as their are certain subjects that the forum simply doesn’t do well. Even if you avoid the specific threads, the toxicity seems to leach into the forum as a whole.
I don’t know if it’s the willful promotion of ignorance. I think some folks fail to realize that there are lots of liberal media sources spreading false information just as badly as Fox does.
I’ve bailed out in the past when it got to be too big a slice of my life. I probably will again. IME it takes a couple months of cold turkey before you regain the perspective that what goes on here (both good and ill) doesn’t really matter.
Don’t be silly; he’s just having a pout, not actually leaving; we’re the only ones who’ll engage w/ him when he has a concern. He’ll try to limit himself to just reading but that won’t last, and before long we’ll hear from him how awful and unfair we’re being to a wealthy white man somewhere.
If you’d just said you didn’t feel good posting here, and even if you talked about how you needed a break from what people say about you and all that, I’d be completely understanding.
But you had to choose to make a swipe at everyone. You had to repeat the same accusations that have been shot down by the mods themselves.
You were entirely right when it came to sexual misconduct. And it is ridiculous how at least one poster has been attacking you. But this sort of thing makes it end on a sour note, and pretty much guarantees you are going to come back to more of the same.
I actually read quite a bit off of Free Republic. For all its flaws, and there are many, this place is nowhere near that bad or willfully and maliciously blind.