Tattva, a word please...

Hey MrC, did you try that site I told you about? Pretty cool huh?

Merc - no can do this weekend I’m afraid. Katie said Rose had plans. Lunch on Thursday?

N E 1 4 6 T 9?


No, seriously…

Uh, Silver? Does it have to be one of the guys?

Hey mom, I’m doing okay. Thanks for the update on Aunt Karin. Wow, I can’t believe little Gijs is playing top level hockey with the mens clubs in Holland.

My throat feels pretty good. I think the sinus infection is almost gone. The chunky-yellow mucus has pretty much disappeared, so that’s gotta be a good thing, right? Thanks again for for you and dad coming down here to take care of me, y’all are the best.

I need to get my car windows re-tinted, they messed up the original job.

I’ll give you guys a call later, thanks again.

Hey Craig, where’s that Sosa card, huh?

Well, at least I didn’t kill the thread with my piss poor flirting! See, hardygrrl had the last post!

Uh. Oops.

[sup]Gosh, I was so bad they thought it was just personal conversation. I’m gonna hang my head in shame[/sup]

I bet you don’t know what tomorrow is!

If it’s not that hard, how you gonna get laid?

But thank you so much for bringing it back, dearest.

Get a room will ya? Have a little self respect. We got enough slimy crap all over the board with people spitting on it when they read something funny.

Hey ultress, as long as they’re keeping it in their own thread, d’you suppose you can lay off the bitterness for a few?

That Pit thread, though…I’m going to have to do something about that.

Meanwhile, gee, you guys are so adorable I could just eat you with ass poon. I mean “a spoon.” Pardon me.

Moderator’s Notes: All right, that’s enough. You’ve established enough familiarity with each other to take this conservation to e-mail. And piss off some of the others. Thread closed.