Tax the rich and save the poor.

The way things are now we’re taxing every pleb then turning around and letting single wealthy individuals keep billions by not taxing them. This has happen because money gives you influence. People with large amounts of money pay politicians to say or vote on certain things and it’s gotten to such an extent that it’s no longer illegal. Bribing a politician is completely legal in the United States. The results are the rich pay the politicians to do things that keep the rich from paying their share. Hence the gov not having enough money to do things, and the plebs having to pick up the slack.

My proposal is simple and straight forward. Tax the rich and save the poor. Progressives need to stop playing patty cake with each other and actually start governing because republicans give no fucks and the democratic establishment is grossly incompetent.

Examples please.

The wealthy (if we define them as the top tenth of taxpayers) pay more than two-thirds of all federal income taxes. And as a certain Republican presidential candidate pointed out five years ago, 47 percent of Americans pay no federal income taxes whatsoever.
I’m all for taxing the rich more, but how much more can you squeeze it? Make the top ten percent pay 99% of all income taxes? Make the bottom 80% pay nothing at all?

Here you go.

Which branches of government do the “progressives” control? How many governorships and statehouses, too?

Err…ok (bolding mine):

Was already aware of this and I don’t care. My reason for not caring is because comparing low data statistics to high data statistics is illogical. 30% of 100 is 70 but 30% of 1 billion is 700 million. The value of 70 dollars versus 700 million dollars is too significant for me to consider that it’s unfair for the rich to pay more taxes since they’re rich.

So then answer the second part of my question then. What figures are you proposing?

That the top ten percent pay 99% of all taxes? That the bottom 80% pay nothing? If that’s what you’re proposing, OK, but say so.

I oppose both taxing the middle and lower classes to give the rich a cheap ride, AND taxing the rich to “save” the poor. Both ideas are based on the same set of lies about how the real world actually works. And doesn’t work.

What we do need to do, is make everyone pay all the time, what it ACTUALLY COSTS to get what they want. Rather than let the rich continue to artificially avoid paying the REAL cost of labor, and passing it on to “the government” as they do now, we need to have the cost of a hour of labor be based on how much it actually costs the worker to be available and ready to work.

And none of these games of fobbing the costs off on to other countries, too.

Could you translate this into English? I get that you don’t care about something, that facts don’t matter to you, but I can’t parse this into anything that makes any sort of sense.

We sort of do this already. What I think you mean is tax the rich MORE…no? The devil is in the details. I’m not opposed to increasing taxes, but I’d want to know what they will be used for and how much…as well as a rational look at the impact of those taxes (also, a definition of who is ‘rich’ and who is ‘poor’ and what constitutes ‘save’ might be in order).

They would need to get elected in numbers that allowed them to do, well, anything. That’s the first step. THEN they can try and revise the tax code. Cart needs to be BEHIND horse…

This is deeply misleading. (bolding mine)

When the above is graphed the rich still pay a higher percentage but it is pretty close overall till you get to towards the lower incomes.

That does not even account for regressive taxes like sales taxes or property taxes (and even renters pay property taxes passed through in their rent payments).

Under president Eisenhower the tax rate was 90%. Somehow rich people survived.

No. The cost of labor works the same as the cost of an apple at the grocery–whatever someone is willing to pay for it.

Well, now technically - if you take that approach you’d be taxing the poor what it actually costs to get what THEY want, and I don’t think that’s what you’re looking for.

Taxing natural people isn’t going to solve the problem. As I said 70 dollars is not the same as 700 million dollars. I’d rather tax someone who’ll have 700 million dollars left than someone who’ll have 70 dollars left.

As far as your statistics go, they’re hogwash as far as I’m concerned. I don’t know anything about the data so how do you expect me to make a statement on it? What I will say though is the top 0.1% of people should be paying 99% of all taxes. Statistics do not portray their data’s value, they just show the data.

You know what you sound like?

“I don’t care what the facts are, all I know is I want X and Y to happen, so make X and Y happen out of that mishmash of facts, regardless of what reality is. If the sky is blue but I prefer green, I want it to be green.”

Not attacking you - just saying it like it is.

When you talk about taxing the wealthy, the immediate response if to change the topic to income taxes.

Income taxes are not the only taxes out there. Most wealthy people make only a small percentage of their money through something that can be defined as income for taxes purposes. They make most most of their money through investments.

Long term capital gains taxes top out at twenty percent. And most long term capital gains are taxed at only fifteen percent.

A person who makes $37,950 a year in income will pay a fifteen percent tax rate. And a person who makes $418,400 a year in long term capital gains will also pay a fifteen percent tax rate.

So, yes, the tax system is rigged in favor of rich people. Because they don’t pay the same taxes you pay and their taxes are fixed at a much lower rate than yours are.

You want a proposal? Tax capital gains at the same rate income is taxed at. Don’t charge rich people a higher tax. Just raise their rate to the same rate everyone else is already paying.

Your statement is misleading. In my state, and probably in most of them, property taxes owed/paid are a matter of public record.

Show me a single renter who is on the property tax roll.

Landlords set their rents to exceed their expenses, with a profit. That does not mean the renter is paying property tax.

Is the renter “paying for” painting the hallways? No.

100% on all income above $100,000 per household member (you’d have to fudge the wording slightly so a couple filing separately couldn’t count their children twice, but you get the idea).

0% on all income below that.

As you said, landlords set their rents to exceed their costs. That includes their cost in property taxes and painting the hallways.

The renter is covering the cost of the property tax on their rental.