Is there any reference out there as to how many tax dollars have been funneled into Texas vs the other states under the Bush administration?
Nice. Real nice.
Don’t suppose you would be interested in amending your question?
Maybe, how much Federal money was paid to Texas?
How much of that was pork?
How much of that pork was a direct result of some pet project of the two Senators and various Representatives from the great state of Texas?
How much of that pork was a direct result of the obviously malicious shenanigans of Bush? I mean, he was breathing, so his intent had to be malicious, right?
How much of that money paid to Texas was due to Texas because of whatever Federal programs (highway funds, education, war on drugs, etc…).
Maybe you would like to change it to “how much has funding to Texas increased under Bush?” But then, again, how much of that might be due to the Congressmembers?
That’s one of the roles of your representatives. Getting someone else to pay for improvements to your state.
Federal expenditures per dollar of taxes for Texas has actually gone down under the Bush administration.
Federal Expenditures Per Dollar of Taxes
Under Clinton Texas got back about 96 cents for every dollar it sent but in 2002 it was 92 cents. Meanwhile the east coast and California gets robbed blind by the New Mexico, North Dakota, and Alaska (funny how they can give their citizens $1000 dollars every year but still remain a big money loser.
Many of the states getting more money than they spent also happen to be the ones who vote for Bush. This can’t be because they voted for Bush b/c the figures were pretty much the same under Clinton. But this seems to disprove all those stupid mass emails that went around on how all the Gore states were welfare money waisters as opposed to the prosperous money making Bush states.
To see if I was right, I did a statistical test on the average amount a state gets back for every dollar it gives as compared to who they voted for in the 2000 election and discovered that there slightly more than 99% chance that Gore states give more than they get.
Two sample T for 2002
Candidat N Mean StDev SE Mean
1 (Bush) 30 1.312 0.362 0.066
2 (Gore) 20 1.033 0.398 0.089
95% CI for mu (1) - mu (2): ( 0.054, 0.504)
T-Test mu (1) = mu (2) (vs >): T = 2.51 P = 0.0081 DF = 38
So Texas isn’t taking your money, but other Bush states are.
Actually I made a mistake in my reasonings. The test didn’t prove that Gore states give more than they get but rather Gore states on average had lower federal expenditure to tax ratios. Still due to the fact that Gore states were generally more populous, I’d say that my first theory is probibly true.
Oh, OK, cool. I just wondering if this new NASA push had something to do with pouring more dollars into Texas. I know when Sr. was in office they decided to make the super-conducting super-collider in Texas, that was a flop. I often wonder if they would have decided to let Fermi Lab have the project if it would have ever come to fruition.