"Taxidermy" help

Found a deer carcass this morning in the woods.(not safe for mealtime)

We brought the skull home. There is still a small amount of “yuck” present. I’d like to clean it up and maybe hang it in the barn or in my man cave. Suggestions on how to go about that would be appreciated.:cool:

Dermestid beetle home taxidermy kits?

Probably too cold where you are, but when it’s warm enough for insect activity, I’d place it on the ground in a brushy area to let nature take it’s course. Maybe stake some chicken wire over it so it can’t be carried off.

And what the bugs don’t clean up, I’m sure that dog will take of. Mine did on the coyote skull we have.

Get some Biz powder. It’s enzyme based and will dissolve anything made of protein. Make a strong solution, submerse the skull, and wait awhile. It’s this stuff, and it’s in the laundry detergent aisle.

You may have to do this more than once, with fresh solution. It also works better if mixed into warm water, but not hot, as this partially deactivates some of the enzymes.

Very interesting stuff here!

Turns out the skull is pretty clean. I kept it in the house overnight (away from the dogs) to “thaw”. A few bits and pieces have fallen off, leaving a decent looking specimen. I’ll work on it some more after work.

I’m kind of disappointed, the beetle kit would have been cool. Filing away for the next skull. One of my gf’s horses is turning 35, but I think she’d freak.