A couple years back, we had a local high school here with teams named like that. The students had an extensive, emotional politicized, discussion over several months in the school, and finally the student body voted by a sizable majority to change the team nickname. And to change the uniforms, abandon some cheers (“Scalp 'em, Scalp’em, Scalp 'em all!”, etc.) Then they had to fight with the school board, which didn’t want to do this.
When they finally made the change, a representative from a nearby tribe, (which operates a massive casino in the next county, and is a major employer in the area) showed up, and made a speech at the assembly talking about the history of his people, and thanked them sincerely for their concern and the changes they had made. And then ended his speech by saying “we know you will have expenses for new uniforms and so forth, so here is a check for $50,000 from our people as a contribution toward those expenses”. Everyone was astounded; the school board was delighted!
And the next year, every high school within 250 miles that had anything “Indian” in their nickname changed it, and invited his tribe to the changeover assembly. (Our high schools are very attached to their “historical” nicknames – but even more attached to hunks of cash!)
Meanwhile, three smaller school systems in rural parts of our state consolidated, and built a big new high school. They decided to start fresh, and the student body spent much time discussing it, and finally voted for the nickname of the “Blue Devils”. Then they bought new uniforms, had a contest to design a new logo and cheerleading chants, and even painted a giant mural of the logo onto their gym wall.
About that time, a local right-wing fundamentalist church decided that this nickname was “satanic”, and started pressuring the joint school board to overturn this, burn the almost brand-new uniforms, etc. So that battle is raging!
If this keeps up, we won’t be able to have any nicknames at all for our high school teams. Maybe we’d be safe with just colors? Cheer for The Blues? But people suffering from depression might object to that. And The Reds? – any surviving cold-war warriors would really fight that! And nobody’d want to join a Yellow team!
We might be stuck with no name at all – Hooray for us! We’re number one! Go, our team, Go!